It’s almost May and we’re still seeing snowflakes!  Springtime in the Rockies can mean very changeable weather.  Yesterday snow, today 70s and sunshine.  And our thoughts and prayers go out for those who were in the path of the tornados that caused awful damage in several US states.  Our daughter and her family spent time in their basement in Maryland while their area was under a tornado warning. Thankfully, the severe weather passed by them without damage or harm.  Many in other areas were not so fortunate.

At times like this we do think of ourselves as members of the human community.  In an instant a tornado can flatten a house or destroy a school or flip over a car.  This is when we realize that it could happen to us.  One house is destroyed and the house across the street is not. What makes the difference?  As you read the Mystic Message today think about how you are connected to others in your community.  It is time for us to remember that connection in all that we do.

One of my favorite ways to work is to offer a connection with other realms, in the form of Conversations with The Other Side.  In these fun events everyone receives a message from an angel, a spirit guide or a loved one who has crossed over.  If you would like to host this event in your home, just invite 6-12 of your friends and you can attend for free!  We always learn a lot while having fun at these Conversations!

Email me for more information:

And for those of you in Colorado Springs we’ll be meeting at the Little Nepal Restaurant on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 6:30 pm for dinner and discussion.  The Spiritual Exploration Group meets on the first Monday of every month and in May the topic we’ll be discussing is ‘Living in Harmony with Mother Earth.’  Please join us!  We might be discussing further the Hum of the Universe!

New Moon on Tuesday, May 3 at 12:51 am MDT.  Remember to invite something new into your life after letting go of the old before Tuesday morning.  Have a wonderful week.


BOOK LIGHTS: from “2012: You Have a Choice! Archangelic Answers & Practices for the Quantum Leap” by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

“Karma has become a habitual orientation.  To be free, one must recognize that karma is now a limiting belief and accept its release.  Expansion is different than cycling through the same energy over and over again.  It is in the recognition of the release of karma that we free ourselves from a repetitive cycle!  Alternatively, you can engage your co-creative power to stay focused on the wheel of karma and disregard the power of the present moment.”

from 2012: You Have a Choice!  Archangelic Answers & Practices for the Quantum Leap
by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

These authors are teaching that karma has been released and we have the choice to move into greater modes of co-creating our lives or to stay stuck on the wheel of karma.  When you choose to grow you can actually become that powerful co-creator with The Universe of the Life you desire.  Are you ready to ask the right questions and expand your understanding?



The Scientific Mystic Show #1 with Rosemary Bredeson

Welcome to The Scientific Mystic Show #1

This show is in three 8-minute segments which have been combined for this post:
Segment One is your introduction to the show and to Rosemary, The Scientific Mystic.
Segment Two is The Mystic Message from The Divine Feminine
as channeled by Rosemary.
And, Segment Three is Rosemary’s Mystic Musings about the message
and how you may relate to it.

The following link takes you to the podcast of Show #1. Just click on the link to play all three 8-minute segments:

The Scientific Mystic Show #1 with Rosemary Bredeson

Please remember to email your questions to me and I’ll answer them on the show: Email me here!

Our thanks to Mark Rees for hosting this show!

And, our special thanks to Michael Reese who has generously offered his music for the show! The music is from  Stratocanyons, an album in his Guitarscapes series.

Rosemary having too much fun
in the sound studio of Mark Rees.

She is recording her first radio program:
The Scientific Mystic Show
with Rosemary Bredeson


Please feel free to re-post this podcast and share it with your readers and listeners. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

MUSE-INGS: ‘Why? Why? Why?’ by Rosemary Bredeson

Remember the two-year-old asking, ‘Why? Why? Why?’

Why do you suppose that question was so important to that little mind?

I wonder if the question was deeper than we thought.  Why is the grass green?  Why is there a snake swimming in the water?  Why is it thundering?  Why can’t I have a pony?

Every two-year-old has no problem coming up with an exhausting [for Mommy & Daddy!] list of items about which to ask, ‘Why?’  Maybe we get so tired of asking that question when we’re two that we exhaust ourselves and forget to keep asking as we grow older.  Or Mom & Dad get so exhausted that we figure we’d better quit to keep the peace.

But maybe it’s time to reinstate that question but ask it of ourselves instead of our parents. Why am I choosing to do this?  Why do I believe this way and not that way?  Why am I acting like this?  Why am I voting this way?  Why do I drive the way I do?  Why am I eating this? Drinking this?  Thinking this?

What if we continued to ask ourselves ‘Why’ questions all throughout the day?  This just might lead to a deeper connection with our inner self and our behaviors.  Every decision would then become a conscious decision.  Every emotion could be examined in the moment to get to the feeling behind the emotion and possibly to the belief behind that feeling.  Every interaction with another person could be informed by our understanding of why we are interacting in a certain manner.  This consciousness might even lead to an apology or a change in behavior in the middle of the interaction.

And what about the answers that we don’t like when we ask the questions?  Why don’t I like this person?  Because they remind me of my 4th grade teacher who was mean to me for a whole year.  Wow!  Wouldn’t that be a revelation?  And the poor person who in the 21st Century had nothing to do with that teacher was suffering because of an unconscious resemblance!

Much of what we do, say, believe comes from our unconscious mind and it can stay unconscious as long as we choose to ignore it or to avoid examining it.  This is not conscious living.

So decide today to start asking yourself ‘Why?’  throughout the day.  Be as relentless as you were when you were two years old.  Ask ‘Why?’ and then ask the ‘Why?’ behind that.  Keep going until you feel your have reached your ‘aha.’  The first answer might not be the most meaningful.  The two-year-old inside you knows to keep going, that there is always another layer to the question and to the answer.

And no fair answering your inner two-year-old with ‘Just because!’


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

THIS WEEK’S MYSTIC MESSAGE from The Divine Feminine: “What’s Your Big Question Today?”

Every one of you has a question or two about your life on Planet Earth that it is difficult to ask.  For some of you it is the proverbial ‘Why am I here?’ question.  For others, it is something like ‘What happens when we die?’  And then many of you wonder about all sorts of ideas that have been proposed that you do not feel have been proven to your satisfaction, like the existence of Life elsewhere in the Universe or the actual origins of the chemicals and minerals of the planets or the nature of animals or other living things on your planet.  Questions abound when the thinking mind explores the world around the person.

The danger comes when a person stops asking questions because of one of these two reasons:  they stop being curious and thus choose not to explore, or they believe that they have all the answers and thus do not need to ask any more questions.

Do you fall into one of these two categories?  Do you sometimes get tired of the ‘not knowing’ and wish you had all the answers?  Or do you sometimes get tired of always finding another question to ask?  Or both?

Believe this, Dear One:  you are a questing being.  Your soul incarnated in your body so that you could ask questions and learn the answers which would lead to more questions as you explore the world around you.  You chose to incarnate on Planet Earth at this time so that you could learn all about 21st Century Earth and her peoples, the environment, the societies, the ideas, the poetry, the art, the cuisines.  You incarnated in a particular family so that you could learn all that that family had to teach you.

Let’s talk about that last sentence for a moment.  Have you wondered why you were born to the family you were born to?  Maybe you grew up feeling like an outsider, or maybe your mother gave you up for adoption and you were raised by some other family.  Do you have an answer for why you were born where and to whom you were born?  Examining this is a part of growing into who you incarnated to be.  Why those particular parents?  Siblings?  Why that school/philosophy/religion/neighborhood/country?  There are lots of aspects of your early life that you can examine to understand more fully how you have been shaped by those very aspects.

The uncurious mind doesn’t bother to explore these questions but one who would grow, who would develop, experiences a certain curiosity about their origins that helps to elaborate on their understanding of Self.  Did you ever wonder about your rebellious or non-rebellious nature as a young person?  What do you suppose that was about?

You rebelled against what was helping you to define yourself, or you chose not to rebel in obvious ways because you chose to adopt what was being presented to you.  The process of growing up is a process much like shopping for a new outfit of clothing.  You try on several to see if they fit, if they are comfortable, if they present the image you wish to project and to see if they are appropriate for who you are in that moment.  When you are growing as a person you are exposed to many new ideas, philosophies, possibilities and you try them on for a fit.  Some you discard, some you adopt and some you modify.

This process never ends.  As long as you are breathing you are exploring the wonder called ‘Life.’  Adopt a curious attitude about what is around you.  Examine it and yourself for ways that you can grow.  Learn from everything that happens or appears around you.  And enjoy the process!

This IS Life!

And so it is.


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:


Mercury Retrograde has really struck us this time!  Three days without internet connections – how we have come to rely on technology and using it to connect with the outside world!  Thankfully, we seem to be reconnected with the world now.  Because Richard and I are such geeks [ we admit it! ] we had iPhone, iPad, Droids to help out.  Many technicians later we are back in business and thankful for the backup systems.  If we didn’t answer your email, you’ll know it wasn’t because we didn’t want to!

So how are your communications going this week?  It seems we’re not the only household to have issues with communications, Mercury’s realm. Did you notice phone or internet issues or other problems with clear communications?  Isn’t it fascinating how many people now know to say, ‘Well, Mercury is Retrograde!’ [which means that from the vantage point of Earth it appears that Mercury is traveling backwards for 3 weeks around 3 times a year].  We are all becoming conscious of this important planetary influence.

But this is also a good time to communicate with other dimensions, like our angels, spirit guides and loved ones who have crossed over.  Would you like to get a free message?  Just host a Conversation with The Other Side in your home for 6-12 people and you can attend for free!  I’d love to share messages with your friends & there’s no prep, refreshments or work except to invite them.  Contact me to schedule this fun and educational event in the convenience of your own home.

Some more people have asked about the Mystic Transformation Days [Spend a Day with Your Muse] that I am offering to clients who are interested in a true breakthrough experience to get beyond blocks and limiting beliefs and to develop a roadmap to the next level in their work, their relationships and/or their life.  These full days in beautiful Colorado Springs are very powerful; they are for you only if you are ready to leap forward in your life.  We’ve seen some amazing results and had great fun in this format of working one-on-one for an 8-hour day.  Send me an email and we can schedule a chat to explore if this is for you this Spring/Summer.  I’ll be traveling to Los Angeles, Annapolis, Dallas and New York City this Summer and I have a limited number of slots available to schedule a day in one of those cities.

And remember that the new podcast radio show will be available on Monday, April 25, 2011! Check out The Scientific Mystic Show with Rosemary Bredeson on the website on Monday.  The podcast will be available on other outlets and iTunes shortly after that.  Send in your questions to and I might choose yours to answer on an upcoming show! Do you want a Sneak Preview of the show? Click here.

Mercury Retrograde ends on April 30thHallelujah! And Happy Easter and Passover! Celebrate the change of season by honoring Earth Day.


BOOK LIGHTS: from “The Power of Focus” by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt, quoting Harry Alder in “NLP: The New Art and Science of Getting What You Want”

“But it is far more common to have a mixture of self-beliefs, some of which are positive or ’empowering’ and some of which are negative or ‘disempowering.’ … So we each have a range of self-beliefs, covering the many facets of our work, social and domestic life; and we need to be specific when identifying those that affect what we achieve.  We need to replace disempowering ones with empowering ones.”

fromThe Power of Focus
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt, quoting Harry Alder in
NLP: The New Art and Science of Getting What You Want

Our beliefs operate at an unconscious level within us and need to be brought up into consciousness awareness so that we can identify and work with them.  This is the ‘inner work’ that we are being called to do so that we can claim our inner power!



MUSE-INGS: “Power is a loaded concept!” by Rosemary Bredeson

We often think of power when we think of governments or titans of business or the power of the strong over the weak.  But I like to think of power as electricity, the power that runs the computer or the dishwasher, the power that enhances the usefulness of an appliance or a person because they are plugged into the source.

Where does your power come from?  Are you constantly looking outside yourself for validation or energy or acceptance?  If so, are you giving away your power to others?

I know it is not easy to admit that we are giving away our power but it happens all the time, and often in subtle ways.  If someone is really bugging you, do you let it eat away at you all day?  That’s a form of giving away your power.  How about a romantic partner?  Are you holding in your feelings and going along with what they want instead of standing up for yourself or speaking your mind in the relationship?  This is another way that it is easy to give away your power.  How about at work or in your business – are you constantly deferring to others rather than standing up for your opinions and backing up your own suggestions? You give away your power at work, too.

There are times in every parent’s life when they choose to give power to the 2-year-old tyrant because the parent has become exhausted by the tantrum.  Admit it, you’ve probably done this once or twice if you’re a parent.  And if you have a pet, you have probably, once or twice, given them an extra treat when they whined or performed or begged, right?

What about when you didn’t vote in an election and were disappointed in the result – did you give away your power then?  Have you stood by silently and allowed one person to tell a joke that offended someone else in the group?  That’s another way of giving away your power.

There are so many situations in your life that give you an opportunity to claim your power as it comes from within you or to quietly allow that power to drift away from you.  We do it with our parents, our kids, our bosses, our mates, even our pets.  But the most insidious giving up of our powers comes when we fail to examine our beliefs, our own thoughts.  Sometimes we give our power up to a belief that has been handed down to us for generations because we never stop to examine that belief and to question whether it is actually true for us today.

Have you ever seen a family of doctors where the family belief is that all the male children become doctors?  Or ‘everyone in our family is a lawyer/farmer/accountant/teacher/whatever’?  And how often is there a child in the family who has amazing talent as a dancer or a painter but they allow that to be a hobby because they feel compelled to become a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher?   They give away their power to the belief that came from outside of them.

When I work with clients we often uncover beliefs that they aren’t even aware they are carrying but that cause them to give away their inner connection to their power because they’ve never examined that belief before.  Ask yourself if there are any beliefs about power or your inner power that you can examine and maybe choose to change.

Beliefs are powerful things.  Make sure you are choosing consciously to believe what you believe.  Examine the source of your beliefs, especially around power.  It is a good thing to be in touch with your inner power.  This is not the same as exerting power over the powerless.  See if you have any hidden beliefs around this issue that might be holding you back from manifesting your Life Purpose on the Planet.  This exercise could turn your Life around!


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

THIS WEEK’S MYSTIC MESSAGE from The Divine Feminine: “Find Your Source of True Power!”

Dear Ones,

There are movements underway to distract people from what really matters in the hearts of human beings.  Be careful that you are not the victim of disinformation or misleading information that might cause you to support a movement that is not what it appears on the surface.

People in power are afraid of losing their power.  Those who do not feel that they have power are afraid that the situation will never change.  There seems to be a misconception about ‘power’ and its source and we would instruct you about this.

True power comes from an inner connection to the Source of power in the Universe.  Human beings breathe Life into their bodies at the moment of their birth.  When they breathe Mother Earth’s atmosphere for the first time they are connecting to a lifetime on Earth that is in their soul blueprint.  From this moment of their first breath humans have a power source within them that connects them to their Life Purpose, their reason for incarnating on this particular Planet.  This connection allows a human being to live that Life Purpose and to be the person they came to Earth to be.

You have undoubtedly heard the phrase ‘Human Being, not Human Doing’ and that is a significant distinction to make.  You incarnated to BE the human that your spirit chose and to learn the lessons that your soul came here to learn.  The DOING part comes after you are in touch with your purpose.  You are not on Earth to DO but to BE.  When you understand this, then you can proceed to a deeper understanding of what the word ‘power’ really means.

Those who choose to interpret ‘power’ to mean ‘power over someone else’ are choosing a selfish path depending on doing something.  They don’t understand the concept of the human BE-ing nor do they understand the soul having lessons to learn and the spirit being an eternal part of the total human being.  These ‘power over’ folks are always seeking more people over whom they can have this kind of power.

Look at those who choose to deride the weak, the elderly, the youth, the different.  The reason that they are so convinced of their superiority is that they are seeking power over others and they are disconnected from an inner sense of innate power that comes from being a human being.  When one disconnects from one’s inner source of power then one can only look outside oneself for a way to feel powerful.  Thus, these ‘disconnected ones’ choose the path of exerting power over others.

They are pitiable creatures as they go through their lives seeking something, they know not what, that will make them feel better about themselves.  There is no contentment in finding power over others for this power beast is insatiable – there are never enough others to satisfy the hunger for more power.  And, therefore, they cannot ever be content.

On the other hand, those who find that inner connection to the source of Life will find their power comes from knowing who they are, knowing what their Life Purpose on Earth is and manifesting that purpose in the outer world.  These powerful people contain the power to make huge changes in the world if they so desire.  They are not easily misled by others, especially those who strive to have power over them.  The truly powerful do not fall victim to misinformation because they are willing to seek truth and they are unwilling to give away their power to another.

Most people fall in the middle of these two, forgetting that their power lies within and seemingly unable to fight against those who would wield power over them.  If this is you, then wake up to the truth that your power lies within.  Take off your blinders and see the others for who they truly are.  Seek information based on facts, not purposely misleading information or outright lies.  Find your inner power and live from that place within you.

Each of you seeing these words is a powerful person.  Reach inside and convince yourself of this truth.  Ask for help if you need for someone to hold the torch for you and to shine the light upon your inner connection to your own power.  The world awaits you!

And so it is.



It’s been a delight to be at home for awhile and to experience Springtime in the Rockies – snow, rain, sunshine, thunder, heat, cold, windows open, then fireplace lit.  The grass is starting to turn back to green, the robins are here every day along with the deer and the rabbits.  The leaves are starting to appear.  It is a season of new life for all of Mother Nature’s realm!

The Full Moon occurs on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 8:44 PM Mountain Time.  Think of this time as your opportunity to say ‘goodbye’ to those disempowering beliefs that hold you back from your excellence.  What are you ready to let go of?  Spend some time this weekend with that question.  We’re doing the letting go physically – multiple boxes to Viet Vets, old electronics to Goodwill, furniture to the consignment shops.  Decide to let go of something this weekend and then follow through.

I recorded the first podcast for radio – The Scientific Mystic Show with Rosemary Bredeson!  It was great fun to be in a real recording studio and the show will become available soon on the website and on iTunes.  We should have details on dates in next week’s ezine.

As we experience all the new life of Spring in the northern hemisphere this is a good time to think about clearing out the clutter of your old beliefs and negative thoughts.  I am offering a special program of three sessions at a reduced rate so that you can do that inner work and get ready to move beyond limiting beliefs to fully claim your power.  Send me an email at and we can set up a FREE Discovery Call to explore how we can work together to do that inner Spring Cleaning!

And remember that if you’d like to host a Conversation with The Other Side at your home this Spring, you can attend for free!  Please send me an email if you’re interested in exploring this!

Have a wonderful Full Moon week!  You might want to do some ritual, or just sit outside and enjoy the energy and light, at the time of the Full Moon on Sunday evening.
