Happy Holidays 2023 with Much Love!

Happy Holidays! There is so much to celebrate during this December and I hope you are enjoying your December. It doesn’t matter which holidays you celebrate (or none) December is a time for reflection on the past year and contemplation on the coming year.

How has your 2023 been so far? What have you learned? What lessons will you take with you into 2024?

Life really is all about learning the lessons presented to us. One of my favorite quotes is John Maxwell’s:

“Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn.”

I would add that there’s always something to learn!

The New Moon on Tuesday, December 12 (6:32pm Eastern Time) is the time for setting intentions that will carry us over the threshold into the next year. What intentions will you be setting? What energies are you carrying over into 2024 and what are you ready to leave behind with the old year?

In the flurry of activity that accompanies this season, it is a good thing to sit for a bit and tune in to the energies of your life. Are you living the life you want to live, or are you waiting for something to happen/be done with/come to you before you can really live YOUR LIFE?

Here is the message for these times:

“Everyone is seeking connection. Most are seeking it to someone or something outside themselves.

“The true connection they seek is TO THEIR INNER BEING, THE SOUL, THE SELF.

“When a person discovers that what they have been seeking has been there inside all the time, they can feel a sense of relief and wonder and completion.

“There is no outside thing, group, action, or person who will make anyone feel ‘complete.’ Each person is already ‘complete’ within their own being.

“There can be, however, and often is, a feeling of being incomplete. Along with this feeling comes a need to ‘find that missing piece’ and this need leads to comparison to others, to the acquisition (of things, lovers, money, power, etc.) and to the belief that ‘If only …’ or ‘When I have ____, I’ll feel complete.’

“Oh, my dear one, you ARE complete. Yes, NOW. Exactly as you are in this moment. You ARE all that you need.

“If you have given away parts of yourself, reclaim them as yours. If you struggle with the belief that ‘I am not enough,’ release that belief. If you think that you will feel complete when you just have or do or get something or someone, release that thought now.

“YOU ARE COMPLETE just as you are NOW.

“You may need help in clearing out the closets of your mind where those old beliefs and thoughts live. Do it. Get a mentor to help.

“Change the story that you tell yourself about who you really are. Embrace all of you, all the parts, all the accomplishments, all the lessons you have learned and are still learning.

“Who would that ‘Complete You’ BE? What would the ‘Complete You’ DO?

“BE that. DO that.

“You are what you seek. You have what you need.

“BE that wonderfully unique you IN the world and FOR the world.”

When you accept that you are complete, you are enough, right now, you can choose to live the life you desire!

If you would like some help figuring out your plan for the life you desire, I am happy to help you start the New Year with some guidance. Sign up for a BEYOND QUANTUM READING on my website:


and I’ll help you with the discernment process to get you set up in January for a wonder-full 2024! Also, a Reading makes a wonderful holiday gift to a loved one who would like some guidance or connection to someone who is on The Other Side. Message me and we can arrange a Gift Certificate for you to use.

And if you are interested in a deep dive into your Human Design, who you are designed to be, and what strategies will help you to live the life you want to live, message me about having a Human Design Reading to start the New Year with great tools to take forward with you.

Enjoy this holiday season! Take time to reflect and rest. In addition to the New Moon on the 12th we have Mercury going Retrograde at 2:09 am Eastern Time on 12/13! A double-whammy week! Review – everything! Do all the Mercury Retrograde things you know to do AFTER you have set your New Moon intentions.

May you finish your 2023 lessons so you don’t have to bring them into 2024, and may you have an ease-filled time for the rest of this year.

Sending many blessings and much love and best wishes for a fun holiday season!

For the New Moon in Gemini: Think NEW Thoughts

Happy New Moon in Gemini! And Thursday’s New Moon is also a Super Moon, meaning that the Sun and Moon are together in the sky in the sign of Gemini and the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Lots of energy from both the Gemini Sun and the Super New Moon. The New Moon is exact at 3:44 pm Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, May 25.

This is a time to look at your limiting beliefs and discard those that do not serve you. The Gemini energy is about communication and thoughts and this time it is important to think about how you are communicating with yourself. What are you telling yourself, especially ABOUT yourself? Which thoughts are you engaging with instead of letting them go? The answers will give you a lot of information about where to focus your inner work during the next couple of weeks.

New Moons are times to do your manifesting work to bring in what you want to have in your life that is new. But are you clear about your Vision for your life? For that new project or situation or dream? Now is the time to get that clarity so that you can focus your manifesting energy like a laser beam on attracting what you do want and avoid attracting what you don’t want, which is what happens when you worry about what you don’t want.

Spend some time over the next couple of days looking at what has come up for you to examine over the last couple of weeks. That Full Moon on May 10 hit a lot of us with a blast of energy. What’s been happening in your life that is inviting you to re-think the automatic thoughts that keep popping up in your mind?

Remember, your thoughts are not you! You can change your thoughts and it will change your life. (I spend most of my time in sessions with clients helping them to do just this.) You have the power to CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS. And now is the perfect time to get clear about your Vision so that you can focus your thoughts in the direction of your dreams.

To help you do this, I am offering the Master HeartMind Program starting on May 30. This is a 3-month program to help you get Clarity about your Vision, Confidence by clearing doubts, fears, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, and Commitment to the path forward by planning the roadmap for the next steps. There is more info on the website and I would love to support you in using this New Moon energy to create a new vision for your work, relationships, life.

Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to learn more about this small group program, available live online so that you can join from wherever you are.


The Guidance Circle on the last Thursday of every month, is bringing in some great teaching about how to deal with these uncertain times and how to live a prosperous multi-dimensional life. Even if you can’t join us live on Thursday, May 25 (also the New Moon!), everyone who registers will receive the recording of the message. And if you can be on the call live, you can ask questions, personal or general, at the end of the session. Get more information and register here:


Happy Spring! It’s almost Summer and I look forward to seeing many of you over the coming weeks. Technology is wonderful (when it works!) so that videoconferencing lets me see the beautiful faces of my clients and program participants. I collect and give away SMILES!

Sending many blessings and much love,


Rosemary’s Exploration: LIVING BEYOND

Let’s start examining Life on Planet Earth as it REALLY is, not as it appears to be. Living BEYOND the 3 Dimensions we think of as ‘reality’ gives us a much bigger picture in which to operate. Can you grasp that concept? Do these words resonate with you?

In a series of newsletters I will be teaching about the Dimensions and how to live Beyond 3-D. My guess is that you already know a lot of this but there has been no way (or no where) to discuss your experiences. In the coming days, I hope you’ll join our Community to share and to explore.

Here is an introduction to the concept of Living Beyond:

“The Levels of Consciousness are accessible to those who are willing to move beyond 3-Dimensional thinking and expand their awareness. The process of expanded awareness is simple and yet no one is taught this as a child young enough to embrace the practice as habit, although some children come into the world with a remembrance.

Why would anyone want to experience expanded awareness? The simple answer is that solutions to problems lie beyond the circumstances that created them.

For example, if a person is having an issue with another person’s behavior, they can choose to judge that behavior based on previous exposure to that behavior or they can reach beyond their own experience to allow for the possibility that the other person has a different set of past experiences at play in the situation. For example, when a couple gets to start a life together, they may have different family traditions that clash – one person’s family always opened birthday presents in the morning and the other’s after dinner. Is one way ‘right’ and the other ‘wrong’? No, they are both neutral options. But it might never have occurred to each partner that there was another way to do it until they stepped out of their own experience and saw another possibility.

If someone in the workplace seems to be slowing down on the job it might look as if they are being lazy. The truth might be that they have a sick child who is keeping them up all night and they are merely tired.

These may seem like trivial examples but they illustrate the point that a narrow focus does not always provide the full information about what is going on.

Now let’s step further beyond 3-Dimensional Consciousness.

Do you believe that there are more than 3 Dimensions or do you think ‘this is it’?

What if Time were the 4th Dimension?

Maybe this linear thing we humans call ‘Time’ isn’t really the total picture?

The truth is that all Time exists in this present moment.

I’ll say that again.

All Time exists in this present moment.

There is the history of remembrance and the energy of creating the future. But it is all in this present moment.

If Time is a Dimension that encompasses the 3-Dimensions we are familiar with, then we are really always ‘In Time.’ (This is not the same as being always ‘ON time,’ as in meeting a friend for lunch at precisely noon. We use clocks and 3-D time so that we can agree on a time to be at the restaurant together.) We are constantly creating the future by our choices in the present moment. We can recreate the choices we have made in the past (our history) or we can choose to do things differently.

Thinking of Time in this way shifts our Consciousness into an expanded awareness of how powerful a creative force we can be in every moment of our lives. And when we realize how powerful we have been in creating the circumstances of this moment, we can channel that power into creating the expanded life of our dreams.”

This is only the beginning of understanding the Levels of Consciousness. Stay tuned for more teachings about this!


News from Rosemary-February 18, 2017

It’s already mid-February of 2017! I don’t know about you but this year seems to be flying by.

Did last Friday’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse throw you for a loop? If it did, you are not alone. A lot of folks experienced quite a wallop of energy from this celestial happening. This would be especially true if you have some Leo/Aquarius things going on in your natal astrology chart.

Even if that is not the case, or if you don’t know, when the Sun and Moon interact like that we all feel it on Earth. This makes sense even if you don’t understand astrology. The Sun affects communications on Earth – think Sun storms or flares and the resultant messed up electronic communications – and the Moon affects the tides – we certainly notice that here on the Chesapeake Bay! So if, in astrology, the Sun represents YOU and the Moon represents your Emotions, it’s no wonder that a Full Moon Eclipse will have some affect on you.

Well, we are coming out of that Eclipse phase and are moving toward another Eclipse on the New Moon that happens on Sunday, February 26 at 10:00am EST. This time it will be the Sun that is eclipsed by the Moon.

On the New Moon we typically say it is the time to start something new, and this one is no exception. But we are also experiencing a time to let go of the past, to release what no longer serves us as we move expectantly into our own future.

Let go of the past and create your future TODAY and every day!

February 23 is a date to remember because I will be offering another message from The Divine Feminine and Mother Mary to help you move forward. This message will be focused on how you create your own life and how you can release what you are bringing with you from your past. You are going to want to be with us that day! Thursday, February 23 at 7:00pm EST.You can join by phone/computer/in person in Severna Park, MD. And the session will be recorded so register even if you cannot participate live on that date. Th ese messages are really practical and helpful. Here’s where to get the information and register: www.TheScientificMystic.com

I will be offering some new workshops and classes this Spring so be sure to check your emails for info. If you did not receive this in your own inbox, then sign up for your own copy atTheScientificMystic.com and receive a free De-Stress audio meditation to download.

Sending February love and blessings!


A Special Message from The Divine Feminine

I held a “Guidance Circle” last Thursday evening, following Tuesday’s election of a US president and the changing times that election epitomizes. The Divine Feminine offered a message of guidance and insight.  It was a powerful and supportive message. Many joined us live for this call and have listened to the  recording. All have reported a sense of comfort and confidence from the message. If you were unable to join us live, or are not yet a part of RosemarySapce, please take the time to listen to the recording of this message of explanation and guidance about the times we live in!

And, if you would like to receive a free 7-minute de-stress meditation and be informed of future messages I receive please visit my website and let me know you are interested!


Many Blessings!


How to Make 2016 Finish with a Bang!

Getting ready for the last quarter of 2016 means reviewing, reflecting and planning the actions that will make this a great year and prepare you to make the most of 2017.

There is a lot going on in RosemarySpace! I wanted to send you a quick video to let you know about the upcoming opporunities, including two FREE webinars on September 27 and October 25. You won’t want to miss these!

Here is a video describing these offerings that are designed to guide you through the remainder of 2016 and get you ready for an amazing 2017!

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My “two minute” video: Finish 2016 with Grace, Get Ready for Your Big Vision in 2017


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 September 27, 7:00 pm EDT: The Science and Power of Manifesting A FREE Webinar Register Here
October 4, 7:00 pm EDTThe Divine Feminine Speak, Rosemary’s Guidance Circle, Finishing 2016 with Grace Register Here
October 8: 100 Visionaries Event, Washington, DC
October 21-22: On Purpose Woman Regional Conference
October 25, 7:00 pm EDTThe Tools of Manifesting A FREE Webinar
Register Here
November 1, 7:00 pm EDTThe Divine Feminine Speak, Rosemary’s Guidance Circle, Beyond 3 Dimensions (Registration opens October 5)
November 5, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm EDTAbundance, Prosperity and Finances…it’s not just about the money! A one-day workshop with Rosemary, including a delightful Italian lunch. More information here
Hope you will share these events with me!


Blessings and Love,

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Rosemary’s Update

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August 29, 2016    

It is the end of Summer and we are getting ready for Fall.  I love it when the weather starts to cool down – still waiting here in Maryland but I trust it is coming!

The Sun has moved into the sign of Virgo so we are focusing away from the materialistic and toward the beauty and elegance of Life.  It is a time to bring heart and soul together in your life and to rise above material concerns.

Hold onto your hats because Mercury is going Retrograde on Tuesday, August 30th at 9:03 am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)!  For the next three weeks Mercury will be making us re-view, re-plan, re-evaluate.  Drivers may be distracted.  Communications may be confused.  Take your time – there’s nothing to worry about if you re-read everything before you sign or hit ‘Send.’  Although some people panic about the Mercury Retrograde periods, others find them extremely creative because they go inside and find the new ideas that they are usually too busy to discover.  Make this time a good Mercury Retrograde period for yourself!

This week we have a Solar Eclipse on September 1 at 5:03 am EDT.  The Eclipse won’t be visible in the US but the effects will be felt worldwide.  Notice what was important to you 19 years ago, on September 1, 1997, when there was another eclipse close to the place that this one is occurring.  What do you need to change or evaluate in your life now?

With this Eclipse, when the Moon temporarily blocks some of the Sun’s light from reaching Earth, we get some Saturn and Neptune influence to bring up compassion and unity consciousness for us to tap into.  According to The Mountain Astrologer magazine, “…in order to manifest our dreams, we have to be willing to release all remnants of guilt and blame, denial and dogmatism, martyrdom and victimhood.”  Are you ready?  This is important clearing work so that you can move forward into living your richest life.

To support you in the coming months and all the endings plus beginnings, I have created several opportunities for you to do some of this important work with me.

On Tuesday, August 30, at 7:00 pm EDT I will be teaching with The Divine Feminine and the topic is ‘How Do You Live Your Purpose with the Challenges of Today?’  You will want to join us to not only hear the main message but to ask your individual questions! There are two ways to join us live on Tuesday – in person in Severna Park, Maryland or by phone.  And don’t worry if you can’t be live with us – the teaching will be recorded and anyone who registers will receive  the recording.  You can also email questions to me (rosemarybredeson@gmail.com) and get the answers on the recording.  Here is the link to save your spot: Register Here

I am also offering a workshop on Saturday, September 17, 10:00-1:00 –Meta*Physical Steps to Physical Success in the Annapolis area.  Learn three keys to Live Your Richest Life™ and start applying them right away.  You will come away with tools that will help you create your Vision and to make it a reality.  Stay tuned for the details!

Save the date: November 5 – Abundance, Prosperity and Finances…it’s not justabout the money!  An all-day workshop to explore the real ‘Secret’ to getting what you want in life!  We’ll talk about the ways to manifest what you desire and to manage what you manifest.  Details coming soon.  10:00 – 4:00 on Saturday, November 5 in the Annapolis area.

And I am available for private mentoring or a one-time session to help you to get the guidance you need at the moment.  Email me at rosemarybredeson@gmail.com for more information about working with me.

Have a great week! 

Many blessings and much love!

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Rosemary’s Exploration

This exploration is all about choice. We can choose our experiences in every moment. This is the way to live a Conscious Life.

You can choose to listen to the guidance from The Divinine Feminine tonight; go here for details and registration:

The Divine Feminine Speak

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Who Has a Fun MRI?

I recently had my first MRI done.  Everything I had heard about Magnetic Resonance Imaging was a bit daunting.  The noise is horrible.  You’ll feel claustrophobic.  I couldn’t go through with it!  You have to lie still for so long.

It was enough to make me wonder if I really wanted to go through with this test.

But I don’t let other people’s experiences define my experience.  I decided that I was going to have fun with this procedure.

I went in with a cheerful attitude and a positive frame of mind. I decided that I would meditate during the test so I asked for quiet instrumental music as I put on the headphones.  As I was moved into the big machine, the noises started.

I thought about sound and sound frequencies as vibrations and tuned in to the vibrations I was experiencing as the machine whirred around me. I decided to ask the vibrations to clear out anything in me that wasn’t vibrating for my highest good.  When the sound shifted to a new frequency, I asked that frequency to also clear out whatever I didn’t need.

I started to feel that there were healing angels with me and that they were working on me as I lay there.  Each time the frequency changed I felt a new experience of power and healing and light.  I saw different colors and felt myself being lifted.

I felt happy.  I had a big smile on my face.  I was tripping out!

And then it was over.  I was moved out of the machine and the technician removed my headphones.  I thanked him and said I had had a great time.  He said that not every patient felt that way.

What made the difference?  The machine was the same.  The test was the same. (I am fine, by the way.)  The noise levels were the same.  The duration was the same.  Why was my experience so different from others’?

I decided to have a different experience.

This is an opportunity that we have in every moment – to decide what kind of experience we are going to have.  It is our choice how to respond to the situation in which we find ourselves.  We may not be able to change the circumstances but we can decide how we will operate within those circumstances.

An Event happens.  We have a knee-jerk Reaction.  We hit the Pause Button. And then we choose our Conscious Response.

Event -> Reaction -> Pause -> Conscious Response

Next time you find yourself in a situation, any situation, remember this formula and DECIDE how you will respond.  I had a great time getting an MRI.  And if I ever have to have another one, I know that it, too, will be fun because I’ve already decided that it will be.


Rosemary’s Inspiration

Here is the video from my latest MoonLetter. We are always at choice!

Speaking of “choice” have you registered for my FREE webinar tonight? Learn how to stay grounded in these uncertain times. I will be teaching tools for Conscious Living! DETAILS and REGISTRATION

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My “two minute” video: Choose Confidence in Every Moment

News from Rosemary

Welcome back to RosemarySpace and this latest installment of the MoonLetter. Note the special upcoming events, FREE Webinar tomorrow, Sunday, July 24 at 7:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time: Getting Grounded in Ungrounded Times – LINK

And a channeling event with The Divine Feminine, Monday, July 25 at 7:00 pm EDT: What in the World is Going On? LINK

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“Emotions are not decisions. They are the result of decisions. Feel your emotions and ask what decisions have led me to feel this way. When you make new decisions you can feel new emotions. Choose decisions that allow you to feel happy and satisfied. These choices are based on LOVE.”

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Happy Summer! I hope you are enjoying this season of warm weather and holiday parades and fun activities.

Warm weather is HOT weather here in Maryland! I give thanks every day for air conditioning. I’ll emerge in the Autumn.

The Full Moon in Capricorn (the Sun is in Cancer) was exact at 6:56 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on Tuesday, July 19. This one was powerful!

Have you been feeling as if everything is being shaken up? Are you questioning where you are headed and with whom? Are you looking to get your message out to the world in a bigger way?

And are world events causing you to feel upset, unsettled, even fearful? Yes, we are being invited to FEEL our emotions and to examine the structures around us. This is a time to evaluate and maybe throw away what doesn’t serve us, as individuals and as a culture.

Here in the U.S. we are in the midst of an extremely divisive political election cycle. Nothing seems to be going according to plan.

And with many of my clients this is happening on a personal level. Money, health, relationship, career issues – everything seems to be coming up in chaos.

Take heart, Dear Ones! All is not lost. You are being asked to do some self-exploration and make decisions about who you are and how you will be operating in the world. You will come out of this chaotic period with a new understanding of what peace and balance inside you means.

The work of this Full Moon is to RELEASE. Those old structures. Limiting beliefs that belong to the old you. Thoughts of what you can’t do based on past experience. Decide to get rid of old energies so that you are ready for something new to arrive with the New Moon on August 2 at 4:44 pm EDT. This also happens to be Richard’s and my birthday so August 2 will be a very special New Moon at our house!

So many people are upset by what’s happening in the world that I have been guided to help provide some tools to make it through this time of chaos.

On Monday, July 25 at 7:00 pm EDT join me for a channeling event where I will teach with The Divine Feminine what is going on and what we can do about things. These messages that are coming through these days are powerful guidance to help us navigate the 21st Century and its problems. The last message from The Divine Feminine was some great guidance on Abundance, Prosperity and Finances. The recording is available on my website.

Monday’s message will be timely and will help us to gain an empowering perspective. You can join us in person or from anywhere in the world. Get more info and register here: LINK

As a special bonus, on Sunday, July 24 at 7:00 pm EDT I will be offering a FREE Webinar! Getting Grounded in Ungrounded Times. During this hour together we will explore how you can use some simple tools to help you handle what you are feeling about world events and shake-ups happening in your own life. This is an opportunity for you to receive some information that will be immediately useful and the webinar will be content-rich. Come spend an hour with me and feel better about handling situations. You can register here: LINK

Let’s stay connected so I can help you to get through these tough times. You are precious. You are LIGHT. Shine your Light into the World so that you can make the place a little bit brighter.