ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Find Something to Celebrate

There is always something you can celebrate, even if you don’t feel like celebrating. Seek it. Be on the lookout for something to celebrate all day long.

When you are looking for a celebration it is difficult to stay depressed or angry or sad. Of course, you can CHOOSE to say to yourself or to others, ‘My life is so bad that there is nothing to celebrate.’ Or you can choose to say or think, ‘I wish she would stop being so cheerful. HER life might have something to celebrate but mine doesn’t.’ And then you can list all the reasons why there is nothing to celebrate.

Well, let me clue you in. No one’s life is so perfect that they are not dealing with some issue in their life. It might be minor at the moment but it was and will be huge at some point.

Everyone loses someone they love at some point in life – a grandparent, a pet, a friend. Some choose to focus on the loss while others choose to concentrate on a celebration of the life that was shared, for a long time or a short time but always a valuable time.

Which kind of person are you? What do you choose to focus on when you experience a loss? Can you find something to celebrate?

I’ve been to funerals that were all about the loss and I’ve been to funerals that were huge celebrations of the person who has died. The second kind is more healing for those who attend.

This is not to deny the grief that arises when we lose someone we love. That grief is real and should be honored in whatever way is healing for the individual.

BUT, and this is a big but, you are always at choice about where you focus your attention, your thoughts, your energy.

Do you celebrate when things are going well for you or do you keep looking for the thing that is not going well and focus on that? Do you have some ‘magical thinking’ about the if/only’s in your life? What are you waiting for that when X happens you will be happy?

Start celebrating something, anything in your life today and watch what happens. Start setting your radar detector to seek that which you can celebrate and notice what starts showing up on your radar screen. The energy that you use for the search attracts that which you are searching for. Search for things to celebrate and you’ll find things to celebrate.

So how are you going to spend today? Choosing to focus on what’s not working or choosing to focus on what you can celebrate?

Celebrate YOU!!! Even if it is not your birthday, celebrate that you woke up this morning. That you can read or hear this message. That the Sun rises in the East every day, even when the clouds keep you from seeing it. Celebrate that you can go to Starbucks and get a ‘hello’ even if you don’t get a cappuccino. Celebrate someone else by contacting them just to say ‘hello.’

Surround yourself with the energy of celebration today and watch how many things you can celebrate tomorrow!


ROSEMARY’S EXPLORATION: Honor and Love Yourself!

This is a time to honor yourself and to LOVE yourself! Most of our training is about loving others, caring for others, helping others. But I have come to see that this training can lead us to believe that serving others means denying our own needs, serving until we are depleted and forced to cry ‘uncle.’

This moonth is about loving yourself enough to have love and service energy to spare to give to others.

Lisa Nichols teaches about ‘serving from the saucer.’ She says that a teacup represents you and the saucer catches the overflow when you are filled up. Don’t serve others from the teacup, which you must keep filled if you want to be of use to others.

Instead, serve from the overflow in the saucer. When the saucer is empty, you must fill up the cup (you) until it overflows again. If you empty the cup, there is nothing to give to others.

This makes sense, doesn’t it?

I frequently hear clients struggling with trying to find balance between taking care of others – children, parents, spouse – and taking care of self. Sometimes they have to get sick to get a day off! I hope you hear Lisa Nichols’ idea as permission to fill up your cup before you have to get sick.

Love is a powerful energy. It is meant to be shared, to radiate outward. But, remember, that ‘All love flows from self-love.’ Until you really embrace that belief, you will give until you are depleted and then you cannot help either yourself or others.

Self-love is not the same as the selfish belief that others don’t matter. Self-love says, ‘I love myself enough to take care of myself so that I am able to take care of others.’

That spiel on the airplane about ‘put your own oxygen mask on first before you help someone else with theirs’ has real meaning. If you pass out from lack of oxygen there are 2 of you in trouble!

So during this time, ask yourself, ‘How can I best serve myself? What is my inner self needing/wanting? How can I give that to myself?’

Maybe it’s time to explore what is holding you back from having great joy in your life. Dissolve the blocks that keep you from manifesting magnificence. Let them go as the moon gets smaller in the sky.

Clear the way for the new energy that is wanting to come in at the next New Moon on Friday, March 20 at 5:36 am Eastern Daylight Time. This will be a special day – with a Total Solar Eclipse and the Sun moving into Aries – Spring Equinox!

Rosemary's signature


The title of Rosemary’s post of her poem, Butterfly, holds deep meaning in itself. Thanksgiving and Transformation aren’t words that go easily together, but if we give the pair a bit of thought there is more there.

We are now moving well into the last month of 2014. All the turkey trimmings are gone or put away. Is your sense of “thanksgiving” also put away with the November decorations, thrown out with the bones of the bird? Or do you practice gratitude all year long?

Rosemary’s second butterfly in her poem says: “Nothing is static. Nothing stays the same. The only constant is change.” Can we be grateful for every change? Can we look at every change as part of a greater transformation as explained by the third and smallest butterfly? This is the challenge the poem presents. It is the every day, small changes, moment to moment, that generate the transformations of our lives. And gratitude every day, moment to moment for those small changes leads to “thanksgiving transformation.”

Can you hear the vibration that rings between these two words? There is an echo between them, they are “light shadows” – we are thankful and we transform; we transform and we are thankful – every day and in every way. Thanksgiving Transformation is a state of being – continuous gratitude for the continuous state of change we experience. Thanksgiving Transformation is Life!

There is another pairing of words the squirrel of the poem brings to us: Presence and Preparation. These set up another vibration, the echo between being present in the moment, experiencing it fully, and being prepared for the next moment, that moment of change. It’s almost asking that we exist in two states at once; the dynamic about being prepared for tomorrow’s change while being fully present today is the challenge.

butterflyAnd this dynamic, this vibration is present in every breath, every heartbeat. As we inhale we breathe in appreciation, gratitude, thanksgiving for everything, especially the change of our body chemistry with the intake of fresh air. As we exhale we prepare for the next breath, exhausting the stale, used up air and the byproducts of our metabolism.

From the smallest change in our body chemistry, moment to tiny moment, to the great transforming changes in our lives, day-to-day, year-to-year, we are blessed. At the microcosmic level every moment is a miracle. And at cosmic scales, the beauty of the remnants of a supernova, as just one example, pictured here, are mind-boggling! I am in constant thanksgiving for all of it and all the blessings. I may not always be prepared for the coming changes, transformations, but I can truly give thanks for them!

Thanksgiving Transformation. You can’t have one without the other!



Evolve Your Light – Richard’s Commentary

As I was writing my Morning Pages yesterday it came to me that I want to go deeper with Qigong. Why? I had raked leaves the day before and loaded 15 bags from the front yard – heavy work. As the evening descended my muscles and joints began to remind me that I am older than I think. But I did some breathing and reminded my body that I practice Qigong; all the twisting and pulling motions of raking leaves is not unlike certain Qigong moves I make in practice. In fact I was very mindful of these motions as I raked.

Last year when I raked leaves from that front yard I ended up with stiff muscles in my back for a week afterward. This year I woke up the morning after and felt great. So, I raked more leaves ahead of the East Coast storm we are enjoying today. There is no question in my mind that my body practices are keeping me younger in body than my age in years would indicate.

My plan is to Evolve My Light, or I could say “Evolve My Qi” and take further steps down this path of growth. Why? Here’s how Rosemary answers this question:

Now, at whatever your current age is, those souls are looking to you for your light to shine on the path that you are sharing. How do you shine your light? By living your soul’s purpose, by being the light that you already are.

“Those souls” are everyone in my community. They include you, dear reader. My “soul’s purpose” is to build community. And my approach is to build community around Qigong. Qi is Life Force; it is Light; it is Love. By continuing to go deeper with my Qigong practice I am answering the call that Rosemary reminds us we are here to do.

I am reading some excellent books on Qigong and Taiji. And I am putting the word out I am looking for deeper instruction. At this time I am between classes that I have been teaching because I am feeling this call to go deeper before developing my next series of classes. Naturally I always learn more by teaching as well; a new class will be offered early in the New Year.

What form does your light take? How are you “Evolving Your Light”? This is the most important question you can ask yourself! Why?

YOU are in charge of the development and evolution of your own consciousness. No one around you can do it for you. You were not born to find answers and then stagnate. You are here to learn the next thing, to study, to grow, to evolve.

Never stop. There is no end here, no bottom to the deeper!

I am grateful to Rosemary for this important reminder! Enjoy your “gratitude day” tomorrow as we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the US.


Keep it Simple – Richard’s Commentary

I was finishing up the week’s laundry just now and found a single tiny gray sock in the dryer. Tristan was reaching out to say “hi” to me! Yes, Tristan and his parents are back in LA after a wonderful weeklong visit with us here on the east coast. But he is still here too, his little fingers wrapped tightly in our heartstrings!

As grandparents it is certainly easy, very simple, to be in love with a three-month old grandson. For the week he was here he was the priority. Our world revolved around him and the to-do lists were forgotten.

What if every week was like this? Why can’t they be?

This is the point of Rosemary’s message – they can be! It is a matter of choice.

Here’s her key point:

Let LOVE drive your to-do list. Focus on what is important to your soul, to your purpose, to your heart. Don’t wait for an emergency to arrive to show you where your priorities lie. Make a conscious choice that you will focus on what really matters and put LOVE at the top of the list.

Last week with Tristan here, love dictated our to-do lists. Today he “dropped his sock” in my life to remind me how well last week flowed. Oh, we got everything done: we had a good time with the visitors, got the Friday MuseLetter out on time, threw a birthday party for our daughter-in-law Friday evening. And our son when leaving for the airport said he checked off everything on his list he wanted to do during the visit!

Yes, it is easy to love a grandchild, to put them first on the list and make choices that are always in their best interest. This approach can be applied to everything in life with a bit of focus.

Can we make our to-do lists while focusing on love? That is not always easy. There are things that we “should” do, even “must” do that are difficult to love. I don’t love taking the garbage and recycling out to the curb every Sunday night. But I do find myself shifting my thoughts to keeping the house clear and smelling good for my family; chore turns to act of love in a small way. Who loves filing their taxes every year? But I do shift my attention to this chore as part of running our shared business, which I do love.

Shift the focus, change the intention, look to the deeper purpose in each task on the to-do list and find a way to love it. This is the heart of Rosemary’s message.

Keep it simple. Choose LOVE. Focus on what really matters and it becomes very simple to choose.

And I would add: find something to love in the chores that must be done.

It is that simple!


Remember The Law of Remembering – Richard’s Commentary

The Mystic Message published by Rosemary last Friday was a powerful one, as we might expect from The Sirius Mystery Temple Teachers. This “Law” can be applied to everything, from the three-dimensional fragment of the Universe we think we live in, to our expanded and expanding Consciousness, our “memory” of who we really are!

Here’s the crux of the teaching:

…remember that you are One with the Universe and that all that exists, exists in you. All dimensions are within your Consciousness. All that you seek is already existing within you.

THIS is The Law of Remembering.


Consciousness is the essence energy of the Universe. The attracting force that brings together parts of Potential Energy with other parts is called ‘LOVE Energy.’ It is not that the attraction is the result of a wish to fill a void. It is, rather, that the Potential Energy is so full of LOVE that it wishes to express as Manifest Energy and it, therefore, creates Manifestation Energy to do so.

This is not a simplified view of the “reality” of this Universe we occupy! But it is a real view, or as “real” as we can get with our still very limited understanding of the deep physics behind the “reality.”

For an excellent presentation of this very subject go see “Interstellar” – the movie that was just released last week. Rosemary channeled the message from The Sirius Mystery Temple Teachers the middle of last week. We published the blog post on Friday morning, November 7. We went to see the movie yesterday, November 10 at a local theater and we were blown away!

“Interstellar” is a dystopian tale of an environmental disaster that is destroying humanity through the destruction of the food chain. A small, secret group of NASA “refugees” are working on a way to save at least a remnant of humanity by going off-world. The beauty of the movie is the science behind it. It is as much up-to-date as any movie in my recent memory, includes excellent teachings in relativity, quantum mechanics, time-bending and what might be possible in space-warped interstellar travel!

But here’s the kicker: everything presented in the movie was extraordinarily in-line with Rosemary’s channeled message! We were both in awe as we watched the unfolding drama. And the movie is so well done, from cinematography to special effect to the sound track to the science.

AND, they addressed LOVE as a force intricately involved in the creation and evolution of the Universe!

Go see the movie! And then come back to Rosemary’s blog article and read it again. We plan to see the movie again soon. It is that good!


Start with ‘We Are All One’ – Richard’s Commentary

It is healing to reread Rosemary’s “exploration” from Friday (pre-midterm election) today as I write my commentary. It is Wednesday and the midterm election is behind us here in the US. Come January we will have a new Congress at the Federal level and a new shift in the political landscape across the country from State governorships to Statehouse composition.

Last evening, as election results started coming in, I grew more and more concerned with this shift. Yes, I am a liberal, a progressive, a socialist…I am not afraid of these labels because they paint me with a color I am pleased to wear. So, you can understand why I grew concerned. The voters, if not the country, want change. This I do understand. My concern is with the direction of the changes. I woke up this morning feeling wounded; in need of healing.

Then I reread: Start with ‘We Are All One’; and I thought: What if we “Start with we are all one”?

There’s nothing like an election to bring out the worst in people, to polarize people, to divide and confuse, exaggerate and obfuscate to get people not only voting, but often voting against their own best interests. And then I read:

What do you believe? Let’s start with the folks around you, your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, the community, your country. Are they all ‘others’ to you? How about people who live on the other side of the world? The other side of the political spectrum? The other skin colors? The other religions?

And I ask myself about those on “the other side of the political spectrum” and begin to wonder. They are people doing the best they can with the information and resources they have. I may wish for them to have more information, more resources, but that is an empty wish. No matter the result from Tuesday’s election and no matter the polarity dividing people into political camps we are all in this together. And even that sounds socialist but we are here, all Earthlings, breathing the same air and held by the same gravity. And so the healing begins.

The more we focus on ‘otherness’ the less we understand about who we really are as individuals. Yes, we have separate physical bodies, but we are all one. We are all one big organism called ‘humanity’ on Earth.

The dividing lines begin to fade. There is shift and change, ebb and flow, a breeze from a different direction. As with everything in life it is temporary, impermanent. And maybe with this shift some things will get done. We can hope for a new level of cooperation, some consensus building over the next couple of years. Can we even hope for some compromise?

I don’t have to like the election results. I don’t have to pretend the direction the country may be turning is good or correct. But I do have to accept the change and find hope in movement. And I need to remember to:

Start with We Are All One. Everything really is connected, so connected, in fact, that it is One. We can share. Just as we learned in kindergarten, it is okay to take turns, to share, to participate together so that everyone is taken care of.

It’s the conservatives’ turn. Let’s heal from the bruising election and hope there can be some positive movement of the One Human Organism!


Choose to Celebrate! – Richard’s Commentary

The press does a great job of getting us into fear. This word is the center-point of Rosemary’s post. It seems, especially since 9/11, that there has been a deliberate campaign to keep us fearful. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but think about it; watch the news (FOX or MSNBC) and listen for the undercurrent, the focus of the articles, the energy of the reporters or anchors. What is your sense?

Now, I don’t even want to go into the motivations for this, if there even are any. Sensation sells. And if the commercials on news channels are any indication then the news is all about selling. And maybe it’s that simple.

The key point here is we have choices. We can choose to listen and believe everything we hear on the news. If we do there is good reason for fear! Ebola is big in the news with a handful of people here in the US who have come down with the virus and one unfortunate death. But it is well controlled, contained and the chances of an epidemic here are next to none. So why all the frenzy and controversy? It sells; it keeps us tuned in. We have a choice – to tune out!

I am not suggesting a total “news fast” here, although there are many, including some of my esteemed teachers, who recommend avoiding the news, all media for that matter! I do limit the amount of news programming I watch and I watch with a very critical eye and ear, looking at the underlying story, motivation, nuance. And most importantly I choose how to react.

That said, if you ask Rosemary she would say I often over-react at the nonsense that is being spouted and reported as news.  Maybe that’s my choice!

Here’s the key to Rosemary’s Exploration:

There are a lot of fear-mongers who would invite you to feel fear. There are a lot of situations in the world that, when focused on, will generate fear. There are, though, a lot MORE situations that invite us to celebrate.

Rosemary goes on to list many, even down to the functions of our bodies, the meals we eat and the air we breathe. Do you celebrate your stomach for taking care of the meal you just ate?

One of the methods I choose while practicing Qigong is the “inner smile” made popular by Mantak Chia. As my practice winds down and I begin the closing breathing and self-massage, I go through my inner organs in my mind’s eye and thank them with a smile! This is my way of celebrating my health, my body and my physical life. Fear, bad news, horror stories of violence and greed will not give me ulcers. I smile to my stomach and offer my thanks and praise for the awesome work it does!

And if that sounds too weird to you, then choose other ways to celebrate. Maybe it’s your safety record as a good driver. Maybe it’s a fabulous accomplishment by you or a family member. Look for the good news from the simple, everyday successes to the complexities of technology that allow you to read this half-way around the world, instantly.

As Rosemary concludes:

Celebrate! You are reading this. Fear reminds you that you have forgotten to celebrate what’s good, what’s going well. Choose to focus on celebrating and let the fear take a back seat. There’s always something to celebrate, even if it’s just that next breath that you take!


Change, Transformation and Transition – Richard’s Commentary

The shifts are here. The transformation we have been waiting for, wondering about, anticipating with both excitement and maybe some fear, is here! I have heard from several sources now that proclaim the big shifts predicted by the Mayan calendar are happening. Rosemary’s mystic message and her channeled message from The Divine Feminine this past Wednesday evening both speak to this Era of Change we have entered.

Do you feel it? Are you reacting to this sense of change we are experiencing? It may be a good time to take some proactive steps toward living more consciously! Here’s an example of what I am doing:

I have had a number of signs show up in my life that suggest that I need to rise before dawn and greet the Sun every morning. As a kid helping my Dad on the farm I was usually up before the Sun. But I am not a morning person. When I have a choice I prefer to sleep in! One of my most esteemed teachers, Martín Prechtel, strongly suggested we make a practice of greeting the Sun each morning. When I was attending Bolad’s Kitchen I was faithful to his suggestion, but my commitment to this important practice was easily released when away from Northern New Mexico. More recently I read a novel about the Cherokee and the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee greeted “Mother Sun” every morning.

I have begun this practice again. For the past several days I have risen before the Sun to great Him/Her. And this has been wonderful. It not only feels right, but I sense a deepening shift in me that is more than enough reward for (what use to be) my reluctance to rise early!

This may seem a small thing to do. But it is a shift I am making consciously. And it is a response to a call to make this shift. As Rosemary writes:

Conscious Living means being aware of your Self, your Purpose and taking charge of the changes you make in your life.  Awareness is key to moving consciously through any change, small or gigantic.  Observing yourself in the midst of a sea of change can be a way to weather the change while feeling peace inside.

Are you responding to the shifts? Have you sensed any energy changes and made adjustments? Rosemary goes on to say:

It is not just you as an individual going through changes that is the energy of this experience of the 21stCentury.  We are all, whether conscious or not, experiencing the great shift that is the transformation of Planet Earth.  Nothing is staying the same.  Hold onto your hat!

These are exciting times. Some people may go into fear around the signs of change; they may become uncomfortable during the transition as we move through the changes into the transformation. But we have help to support us through these times.

The message from The Divine Feminine from October 15 gave us much to think about and offered incredible support. They said fear is a signal to us that we are transforming. In those moments we are called to bring in more light. Move into the light. We are the light! This is just one more sign to me to rise before dawn to greet Father/Mother Sun. Rosemary concludes her message:

The entire Planet Earth is transitioning now into the New Earth.  Each human being is evolving into the New Human.  You can resist or transform.


This transition is glorious.  Each of us is emerging as a beautiful butterfly.  Celebrate!

Adjust to the shifts; and be glad!


PS: The Divine Feminine offered incredible guidance for our evolution and support for our change, transformation and transition! On October 15 they offered amazing help as we begin to become aware of our Cosmic Bodies  and expand into our Cosmic Auras! The recording can be purchased for immediate downloading and support from Rosemary’s  website:

Are You the Director or the Actor in the Play that is Your Life? – Richard’s Commentary

This is such a wonderful question Rosemary asks. It’s one of those questions that makes you go “hmmm”! It stops me and makes me think. And, it’s another one of those questions that take me inside, to examine, to evaluate, and maybe, just maybe to shift!

Here’s the key to Rosemary’s Exploration:

What did you used to believe about yourself, life, the world around you that might be holding you back today? Is it your unconscious mind that is the Director while you and your conscious mind are merely the Actors on the stage?

It’s those old beliefs, those old programs that run on automatic when our attention strays, when “unforeseen situations arise,” or when we simply get caught off guard in a moment of weakness.

Here’s a simple example that is trite but true, a cliché of our times: driving in traffic I still find myself getting upset by unconscious drivers who are in some way impeding my progress! Then I realize I am being unconscious myself in my angry reactions. I take a breath, go briefly inside to remember my impatience is getting in my own way, release frustration and then move along more smoothly – until the next inattentive driver annoys me!

This is a life-long habit. I probably learned it from my father, even though in rural Wisconsin he did not face the driving difficulties we have here in the East! I know I am being the Actor in my little stage play about driving in traffic and my unconscious mind is the Director in this play. It is a hard habit to break and I get plenty of opportunities to practice!

I find my breath work, as part of my Qigong and Yoga practices help me overcome, or at least recover from habits of a lifetime. As long as I remember to breathe intentionally I can short-circuit the old programming and my conscious mind can recover control and direct my life.

Here’s how that works: one of my practices is to employ the Hamsa mantra as taught by Swami Muktananda (ref: I Am That The Science of HAMSA from the Vignana Bhairava). This is probably the simplest yet most profound mantra in the Yogic tradition. “Ham” means “I am” and Sa means “that.” It may also be seen and pronounced or read as So’ham “that I am” depending on personal preference and breath flow.

Ham is the sound of the breath as you inhale. Sa or So is the sound of the breath as you exhale. My natural breath includes a more lengthy pause after exhaling so I use Hamsa as my breath mantra; in other words it seems more natural for me to inhale before I exhale. Practice both ways; if it seems more natural for you to exhale first then So’ham may be the better way for you to use this key mantra.

For that matter you can even use English here inhaling on the “I Am” and exhaling on the “That.” The real key is to become aware of the breath and then become intentional about breathing through the recovery from habitual action and reaction you are working to reprogram. As Rosemary writes:

You can’t just decide to do things differently and have your unconscious mind let go of those old beliefs. They are programs that are running all the time. They are beliefs that trump conscious decisions many times. 

The work is to go inside and uncover the programs and reprogram your mind.

Breath work is an excellent tool to aid you in the reprogramming effort.
