Hello and Happy Full Moon! Tomorrow, September 29th, we will have a Full Moon at 11:20 pm Eastern Daylight Time. This Full Moon aligns with a Uranus-Pluto interaction to bring evolutionary energy to this time. “We must go forward: there is no turning back and no staying the same. This is the death rattle of the old paradigm and the birth pangs of a new reality.” [from The Mountain Astrologer magazine] Wow! Big things are happening, in us and around us.

We’re starting a new season in the wheel of the year so we are called to bring new energies into our lives. Are you bringing in something new? And at the Full Moon we release the old that no longer serves us. What are you releasing?

I’m excited about some new things that are happening around here! On October 10th I’ll be offering ONLINE a 2-hour live webinar , A Meta*Physical Checkup! We’ll be looking at where you are holding fear and how to clear the fear from your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual energy bodies. This class is for anyone who feels a little uncertain or off balance or who is struggling with getting clear about the path forward. And we’ll have some fun, too! [If you’ve taken a class from me before, you know I like to have fun!] So please join us on Wednesday, October 10th at 7:00 pm Eastern time to learn about getting your 4 energy bodies into balance and releasing the fear.
Click Here for Details

If you are in the Annapolis, Maryland area please join A Community of Transformation on Sunday, October 14th at 2:00 pm where I’ll be speaking about the 4 bodies and finding balance within yourself and Bridget Hughes, an acupuncturist and qigong instructor, will discuss Mind/Body Healing. We have some interesting demonstrations planned!  See below for event details.

As always, I am available for private sessions to help you get answers to your questions and to determine your best next step along the path of personal growth. And if you had your Scientific Hand Analysis session more than 6 months ago, it’s time to schedule an update! I’m entranced with the changes I’m seeing in people’s hands as we do these updates. We can see where you have been working/focusing and what is coming up for your attention today. The fingerprints stay the same and the lines, which represent neural pathways in your brain, change as you grow and change. Fascinating information in the palm of your hand! Click to Send me an email if you’d like to get your update scheduled or your first time introduction to your Life Purpose and Life Lesson!

Have a ‘happy ending’ week and Happy October!

BOOK LIGHTS: from “Wicked Appetite” by Janet Evanovich

Personally, I’m a lazy kind of guy, and leaving the door open on the mystical saves me work. I don’t have to stress my brain trying to explain the unexplainable. It’s magic. End of discussion.
 — Diesel to Lizzy

Janet Evanovich

I chuckled when I came upon this quote in a fun novel by Janet Evanovich. I never thought of believing in magic as being the lazy man’s choice but isn’t that wonderful? And it’s profound! So relax and believe in magic! Whew! You don’t have to stress your brain trying to explain the unexplainable. And you can retrain your brain by reinforcing the neural pathways that you WANT to have there!

Think Dreamy Thoughts!

MUSE-INGS: Think Magically!

Sometimes I wish I could ‘wave my Magic Wand’ and make all the difficulties of this life disappear! Wouldn’t that be nice?

But I guess I wouldn’t be learning these lessons if I weren’t encountering some difficulties. And I do accept that we are here to learn lessons.

Perhaps the most important lesson to learn is that we HAVE a Magic Wand! Think how empowering it is to really trust that we can manage our thoughts and impact our world.

Now, I’m not talking about turning that guy who cut me off in traffic into a toad or stealing something I like from someone else. [And maybe it’s a good thing we DON’T do that on a whim!] But I do believe that our thoughts are powerful things, energized to magnetize and attract what they contain in their essence.

How many times have you thought about a person and that person appears or phones or emails? Coin cidence? I don’t think so! You waved your Magic Wand and they appeared!

Or have you ever had someone say, ‘Let’s go out for Chinese food!’ and you answered, ‘I was just wishing I could get that amazing spicy chicken dish at PF Changs!’? You think you want Chinese food, and someone picks up on that thought and suggests the very thing you were thinking. Could be spooky.

Now think about a time when you worried about something and then it happened. Have you ever said, ‘I just know that ___’ [fill in this blank: it’s going to rain, they’ll be out of that sale item, nobody will show up, etc.] and had that very thing happen? Have you ever heard yourself say, ‘See? I knew it would be that way!’?

One thing about the Universe is true. It operates the way it operates, whether you believe it or not. It’s like gravity. You drop something and it falls to the ground. Do you have t o believe in gravity? Do you have to understand gravity? Even physics professors can’t explain why gravity works but they know how it operates.

So it is really immaterial whether or not you believe you have a Magic Wand that is the aggregate of your thoughts. It operates that way.

The lesson is to learn to focus your thoughts on what you desire, dream, wish.

The new brain science findings tell us that we can shift our thoughts by noticing them, saying, ‘Stop!’ and then redirecting them to a replacement thought. The more you think a particular thought, the more entrenched that neural pathway becomes in your brain. This is why obsessing about a thought makes it more and more difficult to move off of that thought – your brain gets stuck in a rut! But if you are living a Conscious Life, you practice catching yourself in an undesired thought, you say, ‘Stop!’ and you move over into another neural pathway and re inforce the new one with the new thought. The more you practice this, the more deeply entrenched the desired thought [neural pathway] becomes in your brain, and the easier it is to get to the new thought instead of the old.

This is science, not woowoo. And it’s pretty magical!

I’ve worked with clients who struggle with shifting into this new way of operating, but, once they do, they are amazed at how much better life becomes. It’s not about changing the situations – it’s about changing how we THINK about the situations so the situations can change.

This is the fundamental lesson. You are magical! You have a powerful Magic Wand! And you can control the magic by controlling your thoughts.

Doesn’t that sound cool?

PS: Are you subscribed to my new The Weekly Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought, every week? Click here  to subscribed to  my Tips for Conscious Living. It’s FREE.


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers and followers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

MYSTIC MESSAGE: from The Divine Feminine: YOU are a WIZARD!!!

Dear Ones,

Remember the magic. There is magic in your life, right now, today, appearing all around you.

Some people call it ‘coincidence.’ Others ‘serendipity.’ Some say ‘chance.’ Others ‘luck.’ But it is all MAGIC.

You are a magical being. Think of yourself as the Wizard of the World, in your own life and in your own world. You wave your Magic Wand and make things happen around you.

Are you disbelieving that this is so?

Your Magic Wand is the aggregate of your thoughts. You are waving this wand at all times. What you are thinking is moving out into the world to manifest even as you have the thought. YOU are the director of this magical story and you send your thoughts out to attract and find their essence.

Are you thinking about that which you lack? The energy that flows off the tip of your Magic Wand is the energy of lack. It floats away and creates the energetic match to ‘lack.’

Are you thinking about how terrible a situation is in your life? The energy that flows off the tip of your Magic Wand is the energy of what is terrible in that situation and creates the matching energy.

Once you realize that you are always holding the power of your Magic Wand you will consciously choose the energy that you flow out from the tip of that wand. Why would you flow anything other than the energy of what you desire in your life?

This does not mean that there are not occasions where some things do not go as you wish, but you must attach your thoughts to what it is you do wish, not to what does not match. There are two reasons for these occasions to arise.

The first is to bring you a lesson that you need to learn. You might be wishing for something and yet a part of you is not in congruence with that wish. This incongruence will send out a confu sing energy pattern and the lesson will arise for you to learn, to self-examine so that you can resolve the confusion and learn your lesson. Afterwards, you might want to modify your desires based on the new understanding you achieve from learning the lesson.

The second reason is that there are other human beings with free will who are waving their own magic wands into the Universe. You and your Soul Group, the group of Souls who have agreed to share lessons in this lifetime, are helping each other to learn lessons and you might be the instructor in someone else’s lesson. At these times, you must remain in your own learning mode and model standing in your truth. If you allow yourself to be drawn off course you will miss your own lessons and your Magic Wand will start sending off unconscious energy instead of the consciousness of what you desire.

So are you ready to get out there and be the Wizard of the World of your own Life? Know that you are su pported in this. Your thoughts are acting on your behalf at all times. Take charge of your thoughts. Bring them into alignment with your dreams and vision for your own life. Remove the limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that block the sending out of pure intention for what you wish to bring into your life.

Seek the support of like-minded individuals and groups who will support you in living your magical life. THIS is what humanity is evolving toward. You are making magic for the 21st Century!

And so it is.

PS: Are you subscribed to my new The Weekly Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought, every week? Click here  to subscribed to  my Tips for Conscious Living. It’s FREE.


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers and followers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:


I’m busy today preparing for my upcoming class and presentation A Meta*Physical Checkup. Take a look below for the details!

***An Online Meta*Physical Checkup***
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern Time ♦ A Meta*Physical Checkup ♦
          Clear the Fear

You take your body to the doctor for a checkup.

Now learn about a checkup for the WHOLE YOU!

A Live Online video class

  • Are you worried, depressed, sad, suffering?
  • Do you fear what tomorrow or 2012 might bring?
  • Do you feel blocked in some area of your life, like finances?
  • Is there something out of balance in your life?
  • Do you wish you could change something?
  • Are you feeling great but wondering about your future?

Then this class may be just what you need!

  • Learn to find balance
  • Explore change and how to bring desired change into your life
  • Uncover and remove areas where you are blocked
  • Creat your VISION of the Future you desire, and
  • Learn how to realize your dreams

The class will run for two hours, until 9:00 PM Eastern

You will have opportunities for questions

You can expect a full two hours of teaching

Your investment: only $55!

Get the details and register here

***The Weekly Muse-Letter***
Every Friday I publish The Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought. If you were subscribed to The Daily Muse then you are automatically subscribed to The Muse-LetterAnd it remains FREE!

Subscribe to the FREE Muse-Letter

***A Community of Transformation-ACT-Presentation***
Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:00 to 4:00 pm I am speaking at this awesome group, ACT, which gathers monthly for celebration and spiritual transformation. My subject: Do You Need a Meta*Physical Checkup? In this talk we’ll explore the health of your Four Bodies and how to answer this vital question to assure your well being at all levels of your life!

If you are in the area I’d love to see you join me!

Learn more here!

BOOK LIGHTS: from “The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us” by Lynne McTaggart

What we regard as self is only a physical manifestation of our experience, the summation of our Bond with the universe. Our interaction with our world is a conversation, not a monologue; just as the observer changes what he observes, that which is observed changes the observer. And as we now realize, these influences are not limited to those of our immediate environment or even to the earth itself but extend to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.

Lynne McTaggart

We are an active participant in the unfolding Universe – how exciting! And, yet, what a responsibility! Our thoughts create things, extending ‘to the farthest reaches of the cosmos.’ So be careful how you think about the circumstances in your life. What do you want the loving Universe to reflect back to you? Something to consider…

MUSE-INGS: You Are Here to Grow!

We’ve often heard that we are ‘Spiritual beings having a human experience, but what
does that really mean?

The human experience has many dimensions to it and we cannot fully participate
if we don’t appreciate this dimensional aspect. We are not our bodies – we are
much more than that. We are not our minds – we are much more than that. We ARE
our Spirit which is our essence, and our body, our mind, our body-mind reflects
that Spirit into the world.

Sometimes it is easy to get side-tracked from this truth by focusing on the
situations that our physical body is experiencing in the physical world. It
helps to understand that the experiences in our physical world are merely the
classroom in which we are learning our lessons.

So many people are struggling with financial issues today and thinking that
they must be deficient or lacking or inferior beings if this is the case. Often
there is a judgment that ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m a bad person’ because I
don’t have the money/success that I want. This is not the case.

You are the Spirit who is perfect. Your Soul has just chosen this time for some
tough lessons that require you to learn them from a position of financial

Are you feeling lonely? In a job that doesn’t work for you anymore? Not living
where you want to live? Having relationship or family issues? These are
circumstances. They are NOT who you are!

And consider this. If your Soul is inviting your Ego to create these
circumstances so that you can learn a lesson from them, then doesn’t it make
sense that your Soul has only brought you lessons that you CAN learn, and all
the resources that you need to learn them?

The Universe IS a benevolent place. We are fortunate that we get to live on
Planet Earth at this amazing time of trans formation! All who live on the
Planet in this 21st Century are being invited into the process of the evolution
of human consciousness. This is a momentous occasion in the history of the

What will your contribution to this process be?

That is really the question underlying all of your circumstances today. Will
you advance the evolution of human consciousness by seeking to rise above your
situation and learn your lessons? Or will you join those who choose to regress,
to retreat into familiar territory and ignore [or try to] the progress of the
evolution of consciousness? This choice is yours to make.

But I suggest that you decide to hang in there with the rest of us on the path
of growth, for we all agreed to support you, before you or I was born. ALL of
us are here to support your growth, even the folks who seem to be bringing you

If you need help figuring out how to extricate yourself from painful
situations, then ask for the help. Someone is standing by to be called upon to
help you. If you are eager to move forward and want to know the next step in
your personal growth, then look around for the help available to support you on
your journey. The help is here!

Join hands with the other Souls who want you to grow! It’s what we all came
here to experience in these times of transformation. Hurray!

PS: Are you subscribed to my new The Weekly Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought, every week? Click here  to subscribed to  my Tips for Conscious Living. It’s FREE.


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers and followers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

MYSTIC MESSAGE: from The Divine Feminine: Spirit, Soul & Ego

Dear Ones,

Planet Earth is calling you to be your Greater Self at this time. What does
this mean for you?

It is time to stop thinking of yourself as a small person, imperfect, flawed,
weak or fearful. You are a powerful force in the Universe. You are creating the
world with your thoughts. What are you creating?

Many people want to deny responsibility for what is going on in the world
around them but this is not an accurate description of how the world works.

You are made up of three essences: your Spirit, your Soul and your Ego. All
three create the YOU that you are in the world today.

Your Spirit is the eternal part of you that transcends time and space and
personality. This Spirit is perfect and lives before and beyond this lifetime
of yours. This Spirit is the Divine essence of you and your Spirit recognizes
the Spirit in all other beings.

Your Soul is the essence of you that designs the syllabus for this lifetime,
coordinating with others in your Soul Group to assist each Soul in learning its
lessons. It is your Soul who is the director of your experiences in this
lifetime so that you can learn the lessons that you came to Earth to learn.

Your Ego is your personality for this lifetime, the body and circumstances that
your Soul chose to provide the opportunities for you to learn your lessons. It
is your Ego that creates situations in your life where you must choose your
reactions. Not all of these situations are pleasant but all are opportunities
for your growth.

If you look around yourself today you might be in the middle of a difficult
period and arguing that you did not wish to be in this circumstance, or you
might think that other people are victimizing you so, therefore, this is not of
your choosing. We would have you step up to a higher platform from which to
view this situation. Your Ego is offering yo ur Soul the opportunity to learn,
and the other Souls involved agreed with yours before you were born that they
would help you to learn.

Now we are not saying that it is acceptable for one human being to abuse
another or to mistreat someone, but it is up to you to decide how you will
respond to these situations. If you have suffered at the hands of another
person then you can choose to grow and move on or you can choose to continue to
suffer by staying attached to that person or situation, in thought or in
physical proximity.

Remember that you are always able to choose your response. Even when you feel
you have no choice, you are always able to choose how you think and feel about
a situation, especially if you are seeking the lesson to be learned rather than
giving your power to another person or circumstance.

And so your Soul is constantly inviting you to learn the lesson and move on to
the next one. If you consider that the Universe truly is a benevolent place
that wants to support you in your personal growth in this lifetime, then you
spend less time railing against what has happened to you and more time looking
for the support you need to complete a lesson.

What if your current difficult situation is really a manifestation of your
Soul’s agreement with another Soul for them to learn a lesson about compassion,
serving others, changing habits or harmful ways? Separate who you ARE from what
you THINK.

You are a Being of Light, that eternal Spirit that is perfect, in this moment
and in every moment. No one can take that away from you. Your Soul is allowing
circumstances to present to you the lessons that you need to learn. Your Ego is
participating by bringing those circumstances into your life. Your choice is to
learn the lesson and move on or to stay in those circumstances until you do.

You are always at choice!

And so it is.

PS: Are you subscribed to my new The Weekly Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought, every week? Click here  to subscribed to  my Tips for Conscious Living. It’s FREE.


Please feel free to re-post this article and share it with your readers and followers. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:


I’m getting ready for my FREE call tonight: 2012: the Rest of the Story! Have you registered for it? Even if you can’t make the call live I will be sending the recording of the call to everyone who is registered at the time of the call. So please do check out the details here and sign-up today!

***2012: The Rest of the Story***
Tonight, Monday, September 17, 2012 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific times

  • Are you ready for the rest of 2012?
  • What does the last quarter of this much-talked-about year hold for us?
  • Is there any magic or meaning about December 21, 2012?

Tune in to the call as I channel a message from The Divine Feminine to seek answers to these questions and more. And I will be answering your questions during the call.

This call is FREE and open now. Details will be sent to only those who have registered.

Sign-up Here
***The Weekly Muse-Letter***
Every Friday I publish The Muse-Letter, a video ezine to inspire, encourage and enlighten with Evolutionary Thought. If you were subscribed to The Daily Muse then you are automatically subscribed to The Muse-Letter. And it remains FREE!

Subscribe to the FREE Muse-Letter

***A Community of Transformation-ACT-Presentation***
Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:00 to 4:00 pm I am speaking at this awesome group, ACT, which gathers monthly for celebration and spiritual transformation. My subject: Do You Need a Complete Meta*Physical Checkup? In this talk we’ll explore the your Four Bodies’ health and how to answer this vital question to assure your well being at all levels of your life!

If you are in the area I’d love to see you join me!

Learn more here!


Ahhhh! The air has started to cool off and I’m loving it! Here in Maryland the Summer weather can last well into October, but we’re having a delightful moment in September when it gets cool enough to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows to sleep under warm blankets. This is my favorite time of year, when it becomes a little crisp and cool and enticing to be out of doors yet the trees are still green and the Sun is still high in the sky. And then when the leaves start to turn the beautiful colors of Autumn, I’m entranced!

How about you? Do you love Autumn? And think of our friends in the Southern Hemisphere – you are getting ready to come out of Winter and warm up! I love that the seasons and the cycles of the year bring us newness in differing ways, but always newness.

As we get ready to turn the corner into Fall [the official Autumnal Equinox happens at 10:49 am on September 22nd in DC], it’s time to do our assessment of how 2012 is going. How are you faring during this transformation year? Join us on a FREE call on Monday, September 17th at 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time/5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time for 2012: The Rest of the Story where I will channel a message to us all from The Divine Feminine about what to expect for the rest of this exciting year! The call is free and I will open up the lines for LIVE Q & A after the message, so get ready to ask for answers! I’ll also be sharing some ways we can play together to make the most of the coming months of 2012. Don’t worry if you can’t be on the call live [although that’s how you can get your questions answered!] because we’ll send out a recording of the call to all who register. Here’s how to register for the call: Click to Register

This is an exciting weekend because the New Moon on Saturday, September 15th at 10:11 pm Eastern Daylight Time, is a great time to plant seeds for the future. We’ll still be in the New Moon energy for the call on Monday so you’ll want to be sure to join us to know HOW to plant the seeds and WHAT seeds you want to plant! What NEW WAY can you move forward through the rest of 2012 and into the future?

Please invite your friends to join us on this journey! We’d especially enjoy having new people join us for the call on Monday evening, and it’s FREE! And if you received this ezine as a forward from a friend, here’s how you can sign up to receive my weekly video Muse-Letter with guidance to help you on your journey. Click to Subscribe

Lots of news in the coming weeks! Stay tuned and be sure to join us on Monday!

Plant those seeds!

Have a wonder-full week!!!

It is not too late to register for my FREE call tonight, September 17! Check the details: Click for More Info