“How Far Is Your Reach?” a Commentary from Richard

When I first saw Rosemary’s question I immediately thought of the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” – probably a natural connection, especially at this time of the year. It is an interesting exercise to look at one’s life and try to imagine the changes there would be in the world if you had never been born! I know that Frank Capra’s movie on this subject is a favorite for many; it’s not one of mine. Oh, it’s well made, well acted and the story is certainly compelling. But I find it on the dark side. Hey, but maybe that’s the whole point! The world would be a darker place had you never been born!

Our reach is as far as our connections. But we still may not know exactly how to measure this because we are not likely aware of all of our connections, let alone the influence of those connections or the influence through those connections to yet others. And if we are all connected then our reach is as far as the farthest person from us. Of course, if we are all One then we are connected to everything, all matter, substance, creation, through time and space; our reach is to the edge of the Universe, whatever that might mean. Certainly as far as we can “see” and that’s about 13.3 billion light-years (the farthest galaxy yet seen in the Universe)!

So we have to be pretty careful, right? We do know through quantum physics studies that particles immense distances apart do influence one another; it’s as if they are connected by aka cords! If particles are so connected how much more are we connected to everything through our energy fields (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Since we are made of particles and energy ourselves then we are infinitely connected to everyone and everything else.

An example of this was given to me by our Acupuncturist and Qigong instructor, Bridget Hughes, who has studied the influence, interaction and impact of DNA across distances. Our DNA is as ubiquitous as we are! It can influence other DNA. Experiments have demonstrated that another person’s DNA affects our own, and long after contact. Of course the environmental impact on our DNA is well studied and can be of great concern as our environment deteriorates.

Examining our reach at this cellular, even particle level brings me to our own inner reach. If we can reach outward to the far reaches of the Universe then we can also reach inward to these also distant places – the vast empty space within atomic and nuclear structures! Again, we not only have these deep connections within ourselves but they influence others as well. It makes perfect sense then, that we first must love ourselves, create that nurturing healthy environment for ourselves at the deepest inner levels; and then, our outward influence will be of a loving, nurturing quality that reaches out to everyone!

Rosemary’s experiment with me as the “guinea pig” is another example of this. By focusing my thoughts on a problem I was trying to solve I brought my energy field of influence very close to my body. Then by expanding my thoughts, and emotions, on loved ones and that love feeling, I was able to expand my field to reach beyond the building! The quality of the thought, especially when combined with feeling, expanded my sphere of influence and created a sense of ease and well being.

So, when you walk into a room do you think about your problems, concerns about finding someone to talk to, wondering what you might talk about, or do you enter with an open heart expecting to meet wonderful people and spread your joy to others, and in turn be enriched by their influence?

And how about the entrepreneurs reading this post and wondering about their reach? When you are writing your newsletter or sales copy, are you projecting love and joy out to your ideal clients, or are you focused on the task of getting the next client to fill your practice?

The choice is always yours. Mine is keeping my heart as open as possible at all times, setting clear boundaries and knowing my reach is as wide as the Universe!

PS: Have you ever attended an event with Rosemary? Have you ever visited a medium? Here’s your chance!  The last Conversation with The Other Side of 2012 is tomorrow, Friday, December 7, at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific. It’s a Video Conference call, no need for you to travel! Just use your internet connection or even a phone! And it’s not too late to register; there is a seat waiting for you!

Click Here for details

EXPLORATION: “How Far is Your Reach?”

Entrepreneurs will be thinking of their businesses when they see this question. A Mom might think of the impact her parenting will have on the future of her children. A doctor might be considering the families of patients they have treated. What are your thoughts about your reach?

None of us lives in isolation from others. We are all connected. People often feel disconnected from others and alone, but this is the illusion that our minds create within us. You are never disconnected – you might only believe, mistakenly, that at this moment you are not connected to any others. But this fallacy masquerading as the truth will only cause you to isolate yourself further.

Do you have family members? You are connected. Do you have neighbors? You are connected. Did you ever go to school? You are connected to classmates no matter how long ago you were in the classroom. Do you have a doctor? Dentist? Insurance agent? Friend? Book Group? Favorite restaurant?

Every person with whom you come into contact has a connection to you. The Hawaiians call this an ‘aka cord,’ a silvery thread of energy that is created when you connect with someone. Sometimes these cords are powerful energy connections and sometimes they are weak. Some have positive effects and others are energy drains. They can last a very long time.

In my coaching/counseling work I am often helping clients to cut these cords and reclaim their own energy, their power. But the cords that support the highest good of both parties get energized and enhance the connection.

Even when you are not aware of a connection to a particular person, you are connected to all of humanity. When you took your first breath of life at your birth you became a human being and a part of the human consciousness that lives on Mother Earth. Your actions have consequences. Your thoughts have effects. Your energy emanates outward, whether you pay attention to that or not.

Think about someone you love and your heart opens up and the energy can reach out 50 feet from you. I recently demonstrated this at a talk I gave about our energy bodies. My subject was my husband, Richard [a good sport!] and I asked him to think about a problem he was working on. Then I measured his energy field with dowsing rods. It was very close to him. This is the brain energy field. Then I asked him to open his heart and send out Love. The building was too small for me to back up enough to reach the end of his energy field, the energy emanating from his heart center.

Now, think about how, if you open up your heart before you walk into a room, you are sending out Love energy for 50 feet ahead of you. You can connect with everyone in a room this way, with the wonderful, high-vibration energy of Love.

If you interact with people from a place of Love, especially when you start with Love for yourself, your connections will be strong and energetically beneficial. When you spend any time with thoughts that are not at this vibration, you are hurting yourself more than anyone else or any other situation. This is why the power of positive thoughts is to benefit YOU!

You have connected with people from all walks of life, from many different locations, all ages, beliefs, nationalities. And those cords that connect you reach beyond space and time. Keep only the ones that are for your highest good. Cut those that no longer serve you. But know that there are others around the globe who are radiating Love and you are connected to them.

This might sound tricky and I’m happy to help you make sure your own energy field is clear. Just remember that you are not alone on the Planet Earth. Monitor your thoughts and the energy radiating from you. Make yourself a beacon of Light and Love in the world. And know that you are also the recipient of Light and Love from many who wish that for you!

I know I wish you to connect with Light and Love!


PS: Have you ever attended an event with Rosemary? Have you ever visited a medium? Here’s your chance!  The last Conversation with The Other Side of 2012 is this week, Friday, December 7, at 7:00 PM Eastern. It’s a Video Conference call, no need for you to travel! Just use your internet connection or even a phone!

Click Here for details

MYSTIC MESSAGE: from The Divine Feminine: Are You Ready to Live Your Life Purpose?

Dear Ones,

When there is terror in the heart then there is no room for love. When fear rules a life then one cannot see the Light. When self-doubt and confusion color a person’s days then those days cannot be fulfilling.

But the Light is always there. There is always Love. Fulfillment awaits those who live in Love and Light.

Too many people are allowing their Light to be diminished by ‘should’ and ‘ought’ thinking. And many more are being told lies about what is real and they believe the lies instead of looking for information about what is true. We wish to enlighten you and, thus, your life.

First, let us say that Light abounds in the Universe. There are millions of Suns shining their Light brightly through millions of years. Stars exist that have never been seen yet by humans. There is an amazing amount of Light already in existence in the Universe and there are other kinds of Light, as in Light Energy, that humans cannot see yet. The vibration of Light Energy is higher than most vibrations that humans perceive on Earth and so there is an abundance of Light to be experienced.

Next, consider Love Energy. Love Energy is the attracting force in the Universe that holds the cosmos in position and creates structure on Earth and beyond. Love is the primary force, the primary motivator, and lack of Love creates an opposing motivator because the human psyche craves connection to pure Love Energy. Every individual who exists on Planet Earth was loved into existence. We are not talking here just about the human act of procreation, which is not always performed in the energy of Love, but the human being who is produced was loved into life by the forces of the Source in the Universe joining with Mother Earth to produce exactly the human who was needed at that moment on the Planet.

And so, Dear One, you were uniquely positioned at the moment of your birth to bring to Planet Earth that which was needed by all other Earth inhabitants. You were loved into this existence for a purpose defined by the Love Energy that brought you to Earth. All other beings exist to fulfill their own purpose and to support you in fulfilling yours. Think about that. The entire Universe and all of Planet Earth’s inhabitants are conspiring to support you in learning your Life Lessons and in fulfilling your Life Purpose.

And all because of Love.

When you can connect to the level of Love Energy that creates this world then you learn that your individual problems of the day are merely stepping stones to the fulfillment of your Life Purpose. Every individual who seems to be motivated by a lack of Love is in your life so that you can learn a lesson and grow. Every situation in which you find yourself is put on your path to help you to fulfill your destiny.

You are Love. You are Light. You are Life.

So now you can open yourself and especially your heart to welcome in that which exists in your life at this time. Everything in your life is there to help you grow more Light for the world. Everything in your life is helping you to learn to Love, yourself and others. Your Life is a part of the greater whole because the connections are vast and started before you were born.

Fulfill your Life Purpose through sharing your Love and Light with the rest of the world. After all, they asked you to be here!

And so it is.


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MYSTIC MESSAGE from The Divine Feminine: Feel Your Way to Empowerment

Dear Ones,

Where is your heart today?  Are you following your heart where it wants to lead you?  Or are you following a quest for money, pride, acclaim, power?  We would tell you that your heart is the best navigator for your path in life.

Many will tell you that you must follow your mind/head, not your heart, but your heart is your connection to the greater source of energy in the Universe, not your mind/head.  Now we are not talking here about whims or infatuations or shallow emotions.  But if you really reach deeply into your heart you will start to understand that your innermost feelings are expressions of your innermost spirit in the world.  You will be led to express yourself if you are heart-centered.

Look around you at your life today.  How much of your heart is evident in the life you are living?  Are your goals coming from a place of understanding your role in the greater scheme of life on Earth or are you focusing on little goals of how much money you can make or the next promotion you can gain at work?  Are you surrounded by people who uplift your spirit when you are with them?  Are you living from a place where your heart can guide your daily choices?

The easiest way to access your deep heart feelings is to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and bring all your attention to the area of your heart in the center of your body.  Breathe into this area and allow images to appear in your inner vision.   Don’t judge what you are experiencing, for many of you expect this to be a certain kind of picture or sound or feeling but you must learn to allow the experience to unfold as it wishes to unfold.  Ask this feeling or image to share with you a message that will help to guide you today.  And then listen or look or feel until you understand the message.  It might be as simple as to ‘Feel today whatever you need to feel’ or ‘Look around you for ways that you can help others to feel better about themselves and their lives.’  Just allow the message to appear without judging what comes up.  And if you find there is no apparent message then rest assured that your unconscious mind has accepted what it needs to accept.  When you open your eyes embrace your message and move into the rest of your day.

There are people who have opened their heart to the world, not in a way that makes them vulnerable but in a way that makes them very powerful.  Open hearts allow love energy to flow outward and to magnetize the attraction of love energy to flow inward as well.  One who has mastered a connection to deep heart feelings interacts with other people in a way that is empowering to everyone involved.  Human beings are not meant to live soulless, heartless lives but often the media and popular wisdom indicates that this is not the case.  People in power often seem to have no ability to show compassion because they put some other value above an expression of heart values.  War does not arise from deep heart feelings but from a pursuit of something other than that which stems from the heart.  Abuse happens in society because someone has been cut off from their feelings and they allow themselves to act in inhumane ways.

There is much that we could say about what happens when one does not connect with their deep heart feelings but we would rather you see that all around you – your work or business, your relationships, your life in general – benefits from your deepest connection to your heart.  Reach out to others from a place deep within yourself and your deep connections will support all that you desire in your life.  Reach into yourself, identify your feelings and live them in your outer life and you will experience a richness in your life that will have you wondering why you weren’t doing this all along!

And so it is.


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MUSE-INGS: Lift your vibration and be a blessing!

Sometimes it’s confusing when we hear about ‘raising our vibration’ or ‘frequencies’ or other terms referring to measuring energy.  People seem to throw these ideas around without definition or clarification.

Let’s look at the ‘frequency’ of something or someone.

Have you ever walked into a room and the occupants try to put on a happy face but you can sense that they have been fighting?  Have you every felt someone’s anger even when their answer to your question about what’s wrong was, ‘Nothing’?

These situations are samples of times when you have picked up on the ‘vibes’ in the room, the vibrations created by the frequency of the emotion in the room.  Just as a radio dial has numbers on it that indicate the frequency of a particular radio station, so your internal ‘radio’ has a set of frequency measurements that identify for you what the frequency is that you are sensing.  The smile might tell you visually that everything is fine but your internal sensors are picking up on the energy that maybe things are not so fine.

Now magnify this example to everyone on the planet at a certain time.  If everyone is feeling angry at once, the energy ramps up and it doesn’t feel very good, does it?  If, however, everybody ramped up the energy of Love, can you imagine how good that would feel?  If everyone in your vicinity were projecting the energy of Love at you, what would that feel like?  Pretty darned good.

So now take this and extrapolate to Planet Earth and all her inhabitants.  How would the Planet feel if everyone were thinking thoughts of Love and radiating that energy outward?   Bringing it closer to home, how would your family feel if everyone were radiating the frequency of Love in your home?  Now, since you cannot control everyone in your home, what if you were radiating Love and you were the only one doing so?

YOU could have a positive impact on your own home by radiating Love, even if your spouse or kids bug you or the dog is misbehaving or you are worried about paying the bills.  Simply thinking thoughts of Love raises your vibration and everyone around you can feel it.

It is most important that you focus yourself on your role in raising the energy of Planet Earth in these days.  Start within yourself and raise your own vibration with thoughts of Love.  Radiate this outward and you will see a shift in the people around you.  When they shift to a higher vibrational frequency the impact will start to be felt by the environment – plants and animals and the very air around you all.  (Remember the room where the people had been fighting and how that air held memories of the lower vibrations?)

Everyone who is alive today is being called to lift the vibration of Mother Earth.  Join in this effort by starting to raise your own vibration.  Just for a moment NOW think of the energy of Love and how good it feels.  A momentary thought like this will lift your own vibration and will radiate around you to be a blessing to all!


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THIS WEEK’S MYSTIC MESSAGE from The Divine Feminine: Send the Judge on vacation and choose Compassion!

Dear Ones,

When you think of other people, are you ‘thinking’ with your mind or are you reaching out to them with your heart?  When you have a ‘thought’ of another person you are actually reaching out, energetically, to them across the distance between you, whether that is across the room or across the ocean.  You might even be thinking of someone who has crossed over to The Other Side and you can connect with them through the veil.

Knowing that your thoughts are creating energy connections, why would you ever think ill of someone else?  How many people seem to believe that their job on Planet Earth is to be the judge of other people!  We want you to think about that – is it REALLY your job to judge others?  When you have looked for guidance about your Life Purpose, is the answer ever really ‘to be the judge of everyone else’?

What if your true job were to love everyone else?  We’re not saying here that you must LIKE every person that you meet or hear about.  But what if you were to hold them in the energy of Love so that they might have the best chance to make the most of their own life, free of judgment from you?  This is a spiritual practice that is worth cultivating.

Many will tell you that you must learn to separate the person from the act or behavior, and this is true, for good people sometimes make choices that you might wish they had not.  But instead of judging a person for that choice, what if you were to hold them in the idea of love, that perhaps they have learned from that choice and would not make the same one in the future?  Could you find a more compassionate space in your heart-mind then?

People around you are judging all the time.  They often think that it is their job to judge YOU.  What do you want them to use for criteria?  Is there any part of you that likes the idea of their judging you from their [limited!] perspective?  No one person knows everything that is going on in another person’s life, no matter how close they are with each other.  No one knows all the thoughts that go through another person’s head before he or she acts or chooses a particular behavior.  No one else knows what you were thinking when you made a decision.  Why do you suppose that you can understand enough about another person to make a judgment about them?

Try giving yourself a vacation from being The Judge.  See what happens when you catch yourself about to say something judgmental about another person.  Reach for the compassionate thing to say instead and see how you feel.

Expressing compassion for another is not only the wise choice to make, it also brings a benefit to you.  The energy of judgment is narrow and constricting.  The energy of compassion is expansive.  What kind of energy do you want to have at work in your body and spirit when you have a choice?  Choose compassion.

And remember that what you put out into the world is the energy of what you attract to yourself.  If you reach out with compassion to others you will receive that expansive energy of compassion back into your own energy field.

Ahhhhh, doesn’t that feel better?

And so it is.


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THIS WEEK’S MYSTIC MESSAGE from The Divine Feminine: Are your conversations from a Conscious Perspective?

Dear Ones,

Look around you at the people with whom you surround yourself.  Do they have a positive energy with them?  Do they think of possibilities or do they focus on failures, regrets and what might have been?  What do you speak of with them?  Do you allow the people around you to guide the conversation or do you participate or even steer the conversation to those topics that are uplifting?  Do you consider solutions or do you cut off discussions before solutions can be defined?

Think about the art of conversation and how you participate with others.  Think about the others and the kinds of conversations you have with them, individually and collectively.  Do you feel expanded by the interactions?  Can you see another possibility when you discuss an idea with that person?

It is time to take control of the conversations among people because rhetoric is replacing true exploration.  In many parts of the world people do not engage in conversation because all of their energy is going toward their survival.  The freedom to carry on a conversation goes along with having survival assured in one’s life.  Consider the societies where conversation is an important part of one’s day.  Sitting at the coffee shop or patisserie, around the water cooler in an office, over lunch with friends or colleagues, over a meal at home with the family.  What topics are discussed?  Are they ideas, philosophies, gossip, rants, complaints?

Ideas have a high vibration energy to them, as do philosophies.  When one stays with an idea it can stimulate thinking, mental activity and creativity.  A philosophical discussion can spur one into considering the field of all possibilities, thus expanding the horizons of thought.

The other topics above take one into a lower vibration and cause a contraction of one’s energy, often into an unconscious protective stance.  Gossip about others creates an unconscious fear of being gossiped about oneself.  Complaints cause one to focus on a problem and not on a solution.

You can always take a conversation and turn it into something of higher vibration by gently steering the discussion into higher planes, addressing solutions or ideas or taking a different, higher perspective on the topic.  When someone is mired down in a problem or an issue, it is often up to the other person to offer a perspective from the higher view.  One who is stuck in the energy of the problem may not have the resources to examine all the possibilities for solutions.  This is why it is often advantageous to discuss an issue with another person.

However, discussing an issue does not mean being wedded to the story to the point of staying a victim in the narrative.  Rather, it means allowing the other person to offer suggestions and really listening to those suggestions.

Sometimes you will be the person with the problem and sometimes the one with the solutions.  Are you willing to look at the conversations you have from now on from this perspective?  This is not about judging another person for their views or for getting into a problem situation.  This is your always coming from an open heart that truly wishes to help the other to find peace.

The other side of this is for you to embrace a willingness to really listen to others, to see that they might have another perspective to offer you, and to consider what is being offered.

The kinds of conversations we address here require that neither party devolve to name-calling, judgment, anger/hatred/violence.  We are addressing here conversations between two people who honor each other and who allow each person to have ideas that may differ from one’s own.  These conversations can result in true dialogue and personal growth for both participants.

Decide today that these are the only kinds of conversations you will have.  Decide today that you will minimize time with those who refuse to have these kinds of conversations.  Seek to be the peacemaker, for your own good as well as for those around you.  And solutions you haven’t dreamed of might appear!

And so it is.

Mystic Message from The Divine Feminine: Listen to the Music – Consciously!

Dear Ones,

When your heart is open to music, you are open to all of the higher vibrations in the Universe.  When you listen to music without opening your heart, you open yourself to a vulnerability to lower vibrations.  This is one reason that people who truly feel moved by the music they listen to can often more easily open their hearts than those who are not touched by music.

Now we know that some of you are wondering about the new kind of music that the young ones are listening to.  We would tell you that many of them are making themselves vulnerable to undesirable vibrations because of their music.  But many adults would throw out all types of the music the young folks enjoy even though not all are harmful.  The kind of music that makes them vulnerable has a message of lower vibration, frustration and anger and uses certain beats to move this message deeply into the young person’s psyche.  They do not realize that this is happening but it is manifest in them in a surliness and frustration that can turn to anger against those in authority.  Some of this music disturbs the brain waves of the youth so that they are vulnerable to the next encounter they have with someone else, whether that encounter is good or disturbing.

To recognize the effect of the music, listen for yourself and notice how you feel in your heart center of energy.  If you are disturbed, then the music is probably not the healthiest vibration.  Assess, though, whether your reaction is a dislike of the music or a genuine vibrational disturbance.  Then play some music that stirs you in a pleasant way and compare how you feel after that experience.  Do not use this as a way to try to change the young people in your life.  Rather, try to understand what they are experiencing and why they seek that experience.

Now try to find other examples of both types of music and notice how you feel with each.  A particular piece of music from a particular genre might have a different effect on you than another piece of music from the same genre.  Make a list of pieces of music that feel uplifting to you and create a playlist that you can use when you wish to feel uplifted. Make other lists of music that have different effects on your own vibrational level – those that energize you, those that make you feel peaceful and serene, those that assist you in meditation, those that help you think through problems clearly.  There are many ways that music can affect you and the same piece of music might fall on several of your lists.

If you have a young person in your life, take time to listen to some of their music with them. Ask them why they like a particular piece, how it makes them feel.  Share with them how you feel when you hear it, not to criticize or say that they are wrong for we want you to honor their honest feelings, but to demonstrate that different people can react differently to the same stimulus.  Then share some of the music from your list with them and ask them how they feel.  Remember to focus on the heart center.  Share how you feel when you are in the vibration of that music.  Make sure to use this opportunity to have an experience of sharing differences without criticism on either side.

This is a good exercise to do with a partner or loved one as a practice of sharing differences without criticism.  You might find several similar reactions and you might be surprised by differing reactions, even widely differing reactions.  Again, make sure that this is a sharing and that neither party is trying to influence the other.  Notice if there are compromises that can be reached if the two parties choices are very different.  Dinner music, for example, can be something chosen together to relax and aid digestion while each can listen to their particular preferences in their own cars.

Enjoy group experiences of music so that the heart centers of many can become connected in that vibration.  Concerts are so popular because many people are opening their hearts to others and enjoying the connections.  Noticing how music makes one feel is a part of Conscious Living.  We urge you to pay attention to the energy vibrations that you resonate with as a part of your growth in Consciousness.

And so it is.

BOOK LIGHTS: From the Sumerian songs of Goddess Inanna


‘He put his hand in her hand.

He put his hand to her heart.

Sweet is the sleep of hand-to-hand.

Sweeter still the sleep of heart-to-heart.’

From the Sumerian songs of Goddess Inanna
as translated in
Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth:
Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer
By Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer

This description of Inanna with her consort, Dumuzi, shows the tenderness of an open-hearted connection – ‘sweeter still.’  I like the image of these powerful figures sleeping with hands held and hearts connected.

MUSE-INGS: Hold the World in Love

Sometimes the hardest message about Love that we have to hear is the one about loving from a centered place that does not necessarily reflect what we are feeling in a certain moment.  Feelings can overwhelm us and when we are faced with a very emotional situation it can be extremely difficult to remember to project the energy of Universal Love.

The way to remind ourselves is to pause, take a breath, and notice how we feel without acting on that feeling yet.  Of course, if what you are feeling is fear of the sabre-toothed tiger who is bearing down on you, then you might want to run while you pause! But, even then, you will find that reaching into the place of peace and Universal Love within you and projecting that energy outside of yourself can calm the energy around you.  A friend encountered a mountain lion near her kitchen door and she went outside holding only Love and peaceful energy within her. She talked soothingly to the mountain lion while he looked at her.  The picture shows a brilliant light shining forth from the eyes of the mountain lion – an amazing photo!  My friend stayed in a higher vibration than fear and had a wonderful experience of close proximity with a mountain lion.

So what happens when we pause and breathe?  We then have time to move into the ‘observer mode,’ the place where we have the most resources for choosing a course of action.  When we can observe ourselves in a situation we can also observe possible outcomes of the choices we see before us.  If we stay in the emotion of the moment our vision is narrowed and we frequently can’t see multiple options from which to choose our next step.  And when we notice what is going on in our body in that moment we have even more information to work with.

Try this the next time you are interacting with someone, even if there are not intense emotions in the minute.  Take a second to visualize the Light and Love that is streaming into the top of your head from your connection to the Universal Source of Love and Light and connect with that energy in your Heart Center.  Then really look at the person, really notice them, really listen to them.  Notice how it feels in you when you do this.  This isn’t about bombarding them with Light energy, for that would be an invasion of their boundaries.  This is more like holding a space for them to be in connection with you in a bubble of this Love and Light.  They have the option of choosing to step into the bubble or to step away from it, but you are defining the vibration in which you wish to hold this interaction.  When someone chooses not to engage at this level of energy, that is their prerogative but you don’t have to step into a space that is not appropriate for you.

The person who is living the Conscious Life will practice always operating from this level of awareness and connection, with other people and with the Universal Source of Love and Light.  Imagine how peaceful the world would be if everyone operated in this energy.  You might not have the power to make the entire world enjoy this vibration but the world around you will certainly change when you are holding this energy in every situation!