The Scientific Mystic Show #2 with Rosemary Bredeson

Welcome to The Scientific Mystic Show #2

This show is in three 8-minute segments which have been combined for this post:
Segment One is The Mystic Message from The Divine Feminine
as channeled by Rosemary.
Segment Two is Rosemary’s Mystic Musings about the message
and how you may relate to it.
And, Segment Three is Ask the Muse, the Question and Answer Segment.

Please remember to email your questions to me and I’ll answer them on the show: Email me here!

The following link takes you to the podcast of Show #2. Just click on the link to play all three 8-minute segments:

The Scientific Mystic Show #2 with Rosemary Bredeson

Our thanks to Mark Rees for hosting this show!

And, our special thanks to Michael Reese who has generously offered his music for the show! The music is from  Stratocanyons, an album in his Guitarscapes series.


Please feel free to re-post this podcast and share it with your readers and listeners. All I ask is that you include the following information when you do:

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