Change, Transformation and Transition – Richard’s Commentary

The shifts are here. The transformation we have been waiting for, wondering about, anticipating with both excitement and maybe some fear, is here! I have heard from several sources now that proclaim the big shifts predicted by the Mayan calendar are happening. Rosemary’s mystic message and her channeled message from The Divine Feminine this past Wednesday evening both speak to this Era of Change we have entered.

Do you feel it? Are you reacting to this sense of change we are experiencing? It may be a good time to take some proactive steps toward living more consciously! Here’s an example of what I am doing:

I have had a number of signs show up in my life that suggest that I need to rise before dawn and greet the Sun every morning. As a kid helping my Dad on the farm I was usually up before the Sun. But I am not a morning person. When I have a choice I prefer to sleep in! One of my most esteemed teachers, Martín Prechtel, strongly suggested we make a practice of greeting the Sun each morning. When I was attending Bolad’s Kitchen I was faithful to his suggestion, but my commitment to this important practice was easily released when away from Northern New Mexico. More recently I read a novel about the Cherokee and the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee greeted “Mother Sun” every morning.

I have begun this practice again. For the past several days I have risen before the Sun to great Him/Her. And this has been wonderful. It not only feels right, but I sense a deepening shift in me that is more than enough reward for (what use to be) my reluctance to rise early!

This may seem a small thing to do. But it is a shift I am making consciously. And it is a response to a call to make this shift. As Rosemary writes:

Conscious Living means being aware of your Self, your Purpose and taking charge of the changes you make in your life.  Awareness is key to moving consciously through any change, small or gigantic.  Observing yourself in the midst of a sea of change can be a way to weather the change while feeling peace inside.

Are you responding to the shifts? Have you sensed any energy changes and made adjustments? Rosemary goes on to say:

It is not just you as an individual going through changes that is the energy of this experience of the 21stCentury.  We are all, whether conscious or not, experiencing the great shift that is the transformation of Planet Earth.  Nothing is staying the same.  Hold onto your hat!

These are exciting times. Some people may go into fear around the signs of change; they may become uncomfortable during the transition as we move through the changes into the transformation. But we have help to support us through these times.

The message from The Divine Feminine from October 15 gave us much to think about and offered incredible support. They said fear is a signal to us that we are transforming. In those moments we are called to bring in more light. Move into the light. We are the light! This is just one more sign to me to rise before dawn to greet Father/Mother Sun. Rosemary concludes her message:

The entire Planet Earth is transitioning now into the New Earth.  Each human being is evolving into the New Human.  You can resist or transform.


This transition is glorious.  Each of us is emerging as a beautiful butterfly.  Celebrate!

Adjust to the shifts; and be glad!


PS: The Divine Feminine offered incredible guidance for our evolution and support for our change, transformation and transition! On October 15 they offered amazing help as we begin to become aware of our Cosmic Bodies  and expand into our Cosmic Auras! The recording can be purchased for immediate downloading and support from Rosemary’s  website:

“Shift or Stay Behind” – Richard’s Commentary

The Great Shift

Are you with us? It takes a community. We can’t do this alone; no one can. It may be trite now but I am still fond of that catchy phrase: “it takes a village.” I’ve known what this means for most of my life. I grew up in a small rural village in Wisconsin. At that time I felt throttled, held back; but I was also protected, very safely held in that community.

I reached well beyond that community when I went off to Ethiopia to be a Peace Corps volunteer. And I found myself in a small community in the southern province of Gamu Gofa. Again I was isolated, held within narrow limits of both behavior and opportunity; and I was protected, held in a community that took good care of me when I was injured in an accident.

One of my favorite village experiences has been in Gavilan, Northern New Mexico, in Martín Prechtel’s “Bolad’s Kitchen.” It is a small village with ample opportunity. We are held there and hold each other in great love and respect. We learn, share, trade, offer and are given all that we need.

And now the Great Transformation is beginning to unfold. The world may not have ended on the Winter Solstice 2012, but the change began. We are changing. Life around us is changing. Can you feel it? Rosemary has been writing and channeling about this time for years now. Many others have as well. And people are waking up in this changing time. It is very exciting!

So, what do we do? We pay attention. The signs are all around us. We listen. The voices, especially that inner voice, speak the words of truth that we test in our hearts. And we ask, what is mine to do in this time of change? What is my purpose? How do I live into my Soul Purpose that I have been called to now?

If you don’t know your purpose or if you are troubled when someone asks you this question, it may be time to explore this deep issue. Another way to ask this is “what is your big WHY?” In the greater scheme we are all asked to wake up! We are asked to join in community with everyone in our soul groups, to form the villages that it will take to make the shift. And we each have a role or roles to play within those villages. Identify your role; hone the skills you need to perform that role. We need you to be at your best!

There are many paths inward to discover your “Big WHY.” There are gradual ways and fast tracks. For example Rosemary offers Scientific Hand Analysis, a body of proven techniques to reveal much about whom you came here to be through the examination of your finger prints and the lines in your hands. In one session she can reveal your Life School, Life Lesson and Life Purpose. Another way is to become aware of your intentions: when you first awaken set your intentions for the day; and when you are going to sleep examine your day through a “nightly review” to see how well your intentions were met, not in a judgmental way but through an analytical approach to help discern areas for improvement.

Awareness and intention are the basic tools of an awakened mind. An awakened mind is an essential component of the New Community. We are on a trajectory for major change in the way we are living on Planet Earth. This is The Great Shift.

Are you with us?

PS: You can learn more about Scientific Hand Analysis on Rosemary’s site!

“Your Empowered Future Self” – Richard’s Commentary

You may have noticed the last few posts here have been about “time” – especially about the future! Last Friday I posted my recording from Rosemary’s Conversation with The Other Side this month during which three Floating Heads appeared to her with a message for me from the future. And in a second message an elegant Native American woman from the past came to me with advice on the nature of body and spirit. (If you missed this recording you can get it here.)

You can bet I’ve been thinking and writing a lot about the nature of time during these last days of 2012! And here, for your entertainment and consideration are some of those thoughts:

1)    This from the Floating Heads – yes, I am now listening to them and writing what they have to tell me as they directed in their message to me. Wrapping my head around all of this has been both fun and provoking. After listening again to the recording, I wrote: “I need to listen to the recording again because it is deep. The part about creating form for the future, which is formless, out of the present, bringing the vision for that future into the present is no simple exercise in understanding. I think it is a parallel to indigenous understanding of past/present/future, especially in cultures with no ‘to be’ verbs. So I know that the present is an echo of both the past and the future. The future comes into the present to shape both from nothingness. We, right now in this moment, are a reflection of some future that is coming “back” to us. We are the mirror image of that future. And I think this is part of what the Floating Heads are “here” to tell me. This certainly seems to align well with what Martín Prechtel is teaching.

“So, the future and present are in one sense, one thing, one time. They are two ends of a vibration. And so is the past. Or maybe past and future are the two ends and the wave crest is the present. If I draw it, it might look like a wave:
past-present-future curve
but that wave is also a particle of time, a pinpoint with all nodes joined in an extra-dimensional way. My Floating Heads are asking me to bring their messages out into the world so there is form that can materialize for them 500 years hence.

“One thing I am curious about is the dependency. If they are from a distant system how are we connected and what significance does our existence, survival, have for them?

“As I recall the message I am to bring their messages from the future into our present so their future can take form; their very existence in their present seems to depend on this!”

2)   Later I wrote: “I wish I could get the true sense that time is a particle and encapsulating past, present, future all right here in each moment. Perhaps then I would be less time-conscious and content to live in each moment letting the particle dance as it will across the field.

“Time is like an echo-chamber with the present right in the center and the past and future each equally reverberating back from the walls. And each present event ripples through the currents affecting both the past and future. There is a resonance set up where the interacting waves of time both interfere with and amplify other ripples. My actions, thoughts, energy ripple out from now to reach back and have a causal effect on what happened yesterday. And the ripple reaches forward to have a causal effect on what happens tomorrow.

“This is why lessons and forgiveness are so important. This is the impact of changing curses to blessings (as Martín would have us do). It is never too late to take action because we can affect the past. And it is never too early to take action now because we modify the future with each of those actions.”

Enough for now. It is essential to get this concept of time, to think like the indigenous peoples who live natural lives within a much greater context of what life, time, the present really mean.

Does any of this make sense? I did tell you things were going to take a different turn in this blog once I posted the recording!

Reach out to your future self who you visualize as an extraordinary and empowered human being; bring back that power and embed it firmly in your solar plexus. And then consider the nature of time and the nature of duality and union.