The Language of Being the Natural YOU – Richard’s Commentary

In Rosemary’s article this week she channels The Divine Feminine who quote a favorite line of the followers of The Law of Attraction and their key premise: “Energy flows where attention goes.” Then Rosemary explains that attention is thought and thought is governed by language. Therefore to be who we came here to be, we need to use the language we came here to use to think natural thoughts, to express ourselves using natural language, to adhere to natural beliefs in order to manifest our natural selves.

I like this word natural very much. There are many associations I have with this word, like nature, native, indigenous. One of my teachers, Martín Prechtel, claims that one of our main goals is to become a natural human being: one who belongs where they were, fits their environment, lives a natural life. He also teaches that a good way to begin to understand how to live a natural life is to learn an indigenous language, especially one that does not use the verb form “to be.”

And this brings me full circle to my posts last week about the concept of time and how natural people typically have a very different relationship with time than “western people” with their heavy reliance on the Indo-European language use of the to-be verb form.

So, what is this natural language Rosemary urges us to adopt in order to get in touch with the inner light that we are? Do we all have to learn an indigenous language that does not rely on “to be”? Or is there an easier way?

When I ask myself questions like this I find myself almost naturally going inside to seek answers. And when I go there long enough answers usually come bubbling up.

Of course when I do this I am following Rosemary’s advice explicitly! She says: “The Natural You is the being at your core, that center of Light that can brighten the world for others. Put your attention here. Focus on your BEING, not what you are DOING.”

But notice she is using the to-be verb forms here in this very suggestion! An interesting irony. Nevertheless her point is clear. And what I conclude is this natural language is the language of being. We speak this language when we meditate, when we go inside. We use this language not so much to express thoughts as to let thoughts go. We use this language when we touch our true nature, that light-being at our core. We use this language when we speak to God, or whatever expression for the Eternal appeals. We use this language when we speak from the heart. Poets use this language when they are at their best.

This natural language is easy enough to learn. But it is very difficult to perfect. It takes a lifetime of practice to get it right. We can all speak it as natives. But few become fluent. The world would be an awesome place; it would be “Heaven on Earth” if we all strove to perfect our use of our natural language!

And, yes, this is a belief I hold. I express this belief in an Indo-European language using the to-be form here: “would be.” My natural language is not a written language. It is difficult to find written examples except in rare instances of near perfect poems and certain stories of the heart. I have heard some of those stories, translations of stories from natural people, like stories Martín Prechtel tells.

Do you speak a natural language? How do you get in touch with your inner light? How do you express your beliefs that guide you through this world? This is your natural language.


“Your Empowered Future Self” – Richard’s Commentary

You may have noticed the last few posts here have been about “time” – especially about the future! Last Friday I posted my recording from Rosemary’s Conversation with The Other Side this month during which three Floating Heads appeared to her with a message for me from the future. And in a second message an elegant Native American woman from the past came to me with advice on the nature of body and spirit. (If you missed this recording you can get it here.)

You can bet I’ve been thinking and writing a lot about the nature of time during these last days of 2012! And here, for your entertainment and consideration are some of those thoughts:

1)    This from the Floating Heads – yes, I am now listening to them and writing what they have to tell me as they directed in their message to me. Wrapping my head around all of this has been both fun and provoking. After listening again to the recording, I wrote: “I need to listen to the recording again because it is deep. The part about creating form for the future, which is formless, out of the present, bringing the vision for that future into the present is no simple exercise in understanding. I think it is a parallel to indigenous understanding of past/present/future, especially in cultures with no ‘to be’ verbs. So I know that the present is an echo of both the past and the future. The future comes into the present to shape both from nothingness. We, right now in this moment, are a reflection of some future that is coming “back” to us. We are the mirror image of that future. And I think this is part of what the Floating Heads are “here” to tell me. This certainly seems to align well with what Martín Prechtel is teaching.

“So, the future and present are in one sense, one thing, one time. They are two ends of a vibration. And so is the past. Or maybe past and future are the two ends and the wave crest is the present. If I draw it, it might look like a wave:
past-present-future curve
but that wave is also a particle of time, a pinpoint with all nodes joined in an extra-dimensional way. My Floating Heads are asking me to bring their messages out into the world so there is form that can materialize for them 500 years hence.

“One thing I am curious about is the dependency. If they are from a distant system how are we connected and what significance does our existence, survival, have for them?

“As I recall the message I am to bring their messages from the future into our present so their future can take form; their very existence in their present seems to depend on this!”

2)   Later I wrote: “I wish I could get the true sense that time is a particle and encapsulating past, present, future all right here in each moment. Perhaps then I would be less time-conscious and content to live in each moment letting the particle dance as it will across the field.

“Time is like an echo-chamber with the present right in the center and the past and future each equally reverberating back from the walls. And each present event ripples through the currents affecting both the past and future. There is a resonance set up where the interacting waves of time both interfere with and amplify other ripples. My actions, thoughts, energy ripple out from now to reach back and have a causal effect on what happened yesterday. And the ripple reaches forward to have a causal effect on what happens tomorrow.

“This is why lessons and forgiveness are so important. This is the impact of changing curses to blessings (as Martín would have us do). It is never too late to take action because we can affect the past. And it is never too early to take action now because we modify the future with each of those actions.”

Enough for now. It is essential to get this concept of time, to think like the indigenous peoples who live natural lives within a much greater context of what life, time, the present really mean.

Does any of this make sense? I did tell you things were going to take a different turn in this blog once I posted the recording!

Reach out to your future self who you visualize as an extraordinary and empowered human being; bring back that power and embed it firmly in your solar plexus. And then consider the nature of time and the nature of duality and union.