Can you believe it is time for school to start again? Whether or not you have kids at home starting school this fall, there always seems to be an exciting energy around this time of year. New school year, new adventures, the air changes, even the trees get into the act! It’s time for something new!

So we’ll be moving into the newness with some exciting changes. First, The Daily Muse will become a weekly inspirational video/ezine, which will continue to be free to subscribers. If you haven’t yet subscribed to The Daily Muse, head over to this link and get on the list: Subscribe.

We will also be offering a new Membership Community soon where you can join a group of like-minded folks and connect on a monthly call with me wherein I will channel a message from The Divine Feminine just for members. There will also be an opportunity for members to ask questions! We will be setting up a group forum as well in which Richard and I will both participate in discussions that members can initiate and share. Exciting! We’ll let you know soon the details on joining this community which will have members from around the world!

And if you’re resonating with this week’s Mystic Message and Muse-ings then this is the perfect time to do some work on identifying and clearing those limiting beliefs and negative thoughts that are holding you back from your prosperous life! Contact me to see about scheduling your Fall Tuneup where we’ll meet for 3 sessions to unearth those thoughts and beliefs that are not serving your personal growth. We can start the process with a Complimentary Discovery Session: Click to Apply to decide how best to move forward on your evolutionary path!

I hope you are enjoying the energy of the Waxing [growing] Moon as you plant the seeds that are growing to fruition in your life. Remember that next week, on Friday, August 31st, we have a Blue Moon – the second Full Moon in the month of August. Woo Hoo! What do want in your life that you thought would only come ‘once in a Blue Moon’? Let’s work on manifesting that this week!

Sending you heart-felt wishes for a joyous week of Conscious Evolution!