whirlpool heartWe’ve met our Tristan! It is so exciting to be with our new grandbaby. You can Skype or FaceTime but it’s not the same as being together in person.

Babies always make me think of bringing something new into the world. New life, new projects, new ideas. We are still in the energy of the New Moon of September 24 so it is a good time to be focusing on new projects as the moon waxes.

We are also now in the Sun Sign of Libra – Harmony and Balance, Fairness and Justice. Bring harmony into your life without looking for a static kind of balance. Get into the flow. Creative energy flows and you must express it or you won’t be able to stay in balance.

If you’re wondering about your next step in the direction of your creative ideas, then listen on Wednesday, October 15 whenThe Oracle Speaks. I will be channeling The Divine Feminine to give you guidance about the energies of this Libra period. Join us in person in Maryland OR online OR on the phone. You can participate from wherever you are. AND you will be able to ask questions during the event. Get the details here and register to join us on Wednesday, October 15 at 7:00 pm Eastern Time.

Sorry this is so short this week but I need to get some Tristan time in! I’m loving having a new grandson! It’s amazing how much ‘grandma love’ keeps growing with each additional grandchild.

Have a great time being creative this week!

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